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Discover Sulfur Creek

Grade Level:Secondary School (grades 9-12, ages 14-18)
GLOBE Teacher:Neo Chen
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Presentation Poster: View Document
Optional Badges:I am a Collaborator, I make an Impact
Date Submitted:04/04/2017
Growing up in a rural area, Jinshan, we have been educated to be concerned about the nature. But we mostly did it by passively absorbing what other people had found through books, newspapers, etc. Now we make an attempt to explore the nature through empirical reseach. We start from where we live, Jinshan, and focus on the water, which is vital for life, that is, we research the only two streams in Jinshan. We apply what we learn to our life. We compare the middle reaches, downstreams, and estuaries of Sulfur Creek (磺溪) and Huangtan Creek (員潭溪). We collect five 500-ml plastic bottles of water from each of the six sites and evaluate the pH, conductivity, PPM, and specific gravity. Due to some errors during the collection, three 500-ml bottles of water are collected and an average value is treated. The result indicates that the water of the middle reach of Sulfur Creek is slightly more alkaline than that of downstream, and the water of estuary is even more alkaline than that in middle reach and downstream. The water of the middle reach of Huangtan Creek is more alkaline than that of downstream and the PPM and conductivity of the water of middle reach and downstream differ a lot. It is presumed that there are problems in these areas. The pH of Sulfur Creek also differs a lot from that of Huangtan Creek, with the pH of Sulfer Creek 4 and the pH of Huangtan Creek around 7. We hope to further investigate the range of river influenced by tides. We also hope to investigate the differences of the creeks in difference seasons.


Thank you for your report and extensive investigation of Sulfur Creek. I particularly appreciate the photos you included that document your work.

Please tell me more about the creek. What are the upper reaches like? How was the creek diverted?
Its source is located in Cixi Tatun volcanic mountains and it streams in the volcanic sulfur strip, so upstream of the stones began rendering orange.
The river is diverted because government resolved that river sand Siltation led to ship grounded.
Very interesting research ! congratulation!!
Could you tell me what you mean with 'ppm' measurements? for me ppm (abbreviation of part per million) is a dimensionless quantity, used to characterize chemical concentration.
ppm is the total dissolved amount of impurities in water.