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Garonne, a river under surveillance

Organization(s):Lycée Henri Matisse
Student(s):BAZILE Aurélien; BERNARD Alexandre; BERNARD Paul; BONHOMME Agathe; BOUYSSOU Paul; CAHUZAC Anthelme; CASTILLON Louis; CINTAS Lison; DE BLIC Julien ; DOUMENG Aurélien ; DZIKI Sami ;ESSOUKI Mathys ;GRISONI Cécile; HAUBERT Kyan; LARRIEU-LACOSTE Aurélie; LARRIEU-LACOSTE Julie; LEMARQUAND Augustin; MAGNAT Frédéric; MARCHAND Félicie; MAURIEGE Rémi ; NEDJARI Sabrina ; PUJOL Eléonore; VILLERS Noëlie ;
Grade Level:Middle School (grades 6-8, ages 11-14)
GLOBE Teacher:Sandrine Larrieu-Lacoste
Contributors:Pierre Lacroix (LAAS – CNRS de Toulouse) Danielle de Staerke (CNES ) Nina Seurin (CNES)
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Protocols:Precipitation, Air Temperature, (Protocol Deactivated)
Presentation Poster: View Document
Optional Badges:I am a Collaborator, I make an Impact, I am an Engineer
Date Submitted:02/02/2018
global warming, rainfall, water level, water cycle, CNES
We have chosen to study the problem of climate change on the hydrological cycle of the river that crosses our city: the Garonne. First of all, we have been sensitized to this problem through the Adour Garonne file entitled "Garonne 2050", which warns about global changes in the Garonne basin, and on the need to monitor the water level in the Garonne. As a first step, in order to verify the hypothesis of climate change, a group of students carried out a statistical analysis of climate data for the Toulouse agglomeration using data available on the website called of infoclimat and GLOBE data from our weather station. CNES's Earth Observation Space Missions enable the acquisition of very important data to understand the climatic machine that forms the water cycle. A group of students studied the operation of the Jason 3 altimeter satellite. Then, to monitor the Garonne level, and to check the satellite in-situ data, two groups of students conducted a project to construct a water level sensor using two different technologies. One group chose to use a pressure sensor to measure water level and the other one chose to use an ultrasonic sensor.


Good paper about an environmental issue that affects you locally. Would have liked to seen a trendline on graph 1 and graph 2 to show how/if average temperature and rainfall is increasing year over year. Would also like to see another way to measure water level if Jason 3 satellite was not usable. Were you able to actually measure the water level of the Garonne using the pressure sensor?

Mike Frishman
HI Mike,

A PhD student came to show a modeling of the data using a linear regression on temperatures and precipitation ( here is the link : . We can see an increase in temperatures but for precipitation the variability of the data is too important to be able to model correctly.
The Jason 3 satellite does not pass through Toulouse, on the other hand the sentinel satellite 3 passes through Toulouse. With the launch of the SWOT program (2021), we will be able to innovate by proposing a future protocol.
The sensor is in its prototyping phase, we will still have to study the energy autonomy as well as the tightness of the system .

Sandrine Larrieu-Lacoste
Bonjour Sandrine et classe!
Vous avez fait un projet avec des connexions evidentes a votre region. J'ai trouve une erreur: "gravity is equal to 1 000kg/ m3" - c'est plutot la densite d'eau; et non la force gravitationelle.
Dans la section 4, un peu plus d'explication de ce que vous avez fait aurait ete utile.
Section 5 - il faudrait vraiment regarder plus de 4 ans pour conclure que la region se chauffe. Le climat est defini sur 30 ans.
L'analyse de precipitation - surtout la vue sur les changements saisonnieres - etait bien faite!
Un peu plus de texte serait aussi utile dans cette section. Par exemple, pouvez-vous expliquer l'evapotranspiration, et ce que cela indique?

Bon travail!

Est-ce que les instruments que vous avez developpes pour mesurer le niveau de la riviere continuent a faire des mesures?
Bonjour Lin,
En effet pour la gravité c'est une erreur de traduction, c'est bien évidemment la densité de l'eau.
Les données globe de notre école sont limités à 4 ans, c'est en effet pas suffisant. Par contre, si on s'appuie sur les données d'info climat ,
On peut observer un réchauffement. ( Maxime Vono , doctorant à l'Institut Informatique de Toulouse est venu montré cette modélisation aux élèves : ).
Notre capteur est en cours d'élaboration, il faut que l'on s’occupe de l'autonomie et de l'étanchéité du dispositif pour qu'il soit opérationnel.
L'année prochaine nous allons approfondir , le fonctionnement du cycle de l'eau avec l'évapotranspiration mais aussi l'humidité des sols.
La nouvelle mission SWOT (2021) va certainement permettre de développer ce domaine.
J'espère que l'on se verra aux GLE en Irlande!
This is a fantastic research report, nicely done testing hypotheses and clear discussion. I really enjoyed reading your report, especially on adding sensors in the study.
Here are my questions.
1. It is very clear that year 2014-2017, air temperature were differed from normal (graph 3). What causes that?
2. From Graph 5, you wrote that 65% of rainfall over 20 years were below the normal. How this might affect Toulouse?

Nice graphs and well interpreted. Keep all the great work.