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The influence of the bedding type on the growth of lettuce, kohlrabi, and Celery seedlings, with emphasis on saving, water and fertilizers, in agriculture

Student(s):Rzan Khaldi, Shada Taha, Sina SOife, Jwad Faur.
Grade Level:Middle School (grades 6-8, ages 11-14)
GLOBE Teacher:Magdy Taha
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Protocols:Nitrates, pH, Soil Fertility
Presentation Poster: View Document
Optional Badges:I am a Collaborator, I make an Impact, I am an Engineer
Date Submitted:01/03/2018
In soil and compost beddings growth was faster , since these beddings are rich in nutrients and ions , both are vital to growth, such as nitrates , phosphates , and potassium. Ions are well dissolved in water and are available for the plants. Therefore plants root networks absorb them fast and transfers them to the stalk and leaves, where the plant uses these nitrates to build amino acids and proteins that increase the weight of the plant. The plant uses them to build genetic materials and cell division to produce leaves and stalks as well. However in the Tuff bedding nutrients and Ions , vital for growth, were obtained through nitrification process in which ammonia and ammonium, found in the fish discharges , became nitrates by a bacteria and germs (microbes) that existed in the Tuff. Phosphates that plants absorb are used to build energy molecules, which by themselves are a handy source of energy for the functioning of enzymes ,the process of building new cells, and plant growth. Potassium is used to build necessary enzymes for the metabolism of the plant and is an integral part of a vital enzymes and necessary molecules such as chlorophyll.


Hi! How could you build on this report? What would your next question be? How does this information affect Israel's booming agriculture and water shortages?