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The study of physical factors affecting habitats suitability for increasing growth of mussels

Grade Level:Secondary School (grades 9-12, ages 14-18)
GLOBE Teacher:Chanan Keatsirisart
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Protocols:Dissolved Oxygen, Salinity, Water Temperature, Water Transparency
Presentation Poster: View Document
Optional Badges:I am a Data Scientist, I am an Engineer, I make an Impact
Date Submitted:03/08/2020
mussel poles
First, I set the study area around the Gulf of Thailand. All mussels that were collected belong to the species Perna Viridis. I found that the mussels in S3 area have the highest growth. From the study of biological factors, I found that the increase in number of barnacles decreases the growth of mussels. From the study of physical factors, I found that the growth of mussels increases with water flowrate. After that I studied the relationship between biological and physical factors and found that flowrate is inversely proportional to the number of barnacles and directly proportional to dissolved oxygen, both with statistical significance. I found that in every 7 square meters area, there are total number of 14 mussel poles, which I defined as Formation A. I found that mussel poles are affecting the flowrate. Therefore, I would like to create appropriate habitats for mussels by applying 3 new formation of mussel poles defined as Formation B, C, and D. I then tested them to see how it will affect the flowrate and found that Formation D makes water flow the fastest. When I increased the length into 3 farms, it still makes the water flow the fastest. After testing in laboratory, I tested these 4 formations in the real farm. I found that, in the real farm, formation D makes water flow the fastest and the growth of mussels is also the best. Calculation of the revenue revealed that it can make 6,280.66 USD. In conclusion, an appropriate way of formatting the habitat of mussels will beneficially affect the flowrate and resulting in increase of mussel productivity. With Formation D that I had created, the productivity of mussel can be increased by 28 percent compared to the original way.
