GLOBE Learning Activities
Learning Activities Search Tool
The GLOBE protocol-related learning activities available on this page include documents created by both GLOBE officials and members of the community. Each document has been reviewed by the GLOBE Implementation Office to ensure it meets the program’s educational and accessibility standards.
Members of the GLOBE community who wish to contribute new learning activities should click on the button below to upload their document for review. Be sure to log in to before submitting a learning activity.
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Featured Learning Activities
This month's featured activities go with GLOBE's Clouds Protocol
Cloud Watch
Students monitor clouds and weather to begin to understand the connections between the two.
Estimating Cloud Cover- A Simulation
Students practice estimating how much of the sky is covered by clouds.
Observing, Describing, and Identifying Clouds
Students begin to learn cloud types and their names.
S5- Seasonal Change on Land and Water
Students use visualizations to compare the effects of incoming solar energy in the two hemispheres, furthering their understanding of seasonal change and climatic effects of land and water.
- Submitted By: Kristy Kawasaki
- Authors: Kristy Kawasaki
- Grade Levels: Secondary: 9-12, Middle: 6-8
- Protocol(s): Earth As a System
- Language: English
- Time Requirements: 1 period (approx. 45 min.)