
Instruments using for Air Quality Campaign

Instruments for observation the sky conditions

Cloud Identification Chart

You can download it here and use for identifying various type of clouds, sky colour, sky visibility, cloud opacity and cloud cover.


Instruments for measuring Aerosol Optical Thickness

Calitoo sunphotometer

The measurement starts by pointing the photometr at the sun and observing the maximum voltage. The photometer keeps  the maximum value measured and then calculates the optical thickness.
The sun alignment is done manually. It is facilitated by a sighting device located just above the display. The calculation of optical depth (detailed in the user manual) is done by using the raw brightness measurement, calibration coefficients, date, GPS position and the atmospheric pressure.

For instructions on how to use Calitoo sun photometer, download the Users Manual.

To learn more about the device visit the website - .

Buy a Calitoo sunphotometer.

The process of sunphotometer calibration that took place at Canary Islands can be viewed in the following video:







GLOBE sunphotometer

You can also use GLOBE sunphotometer if you already have it. Students point a sun photometer at the sun, measure at the red and green and always record the highest voltage reading that they obtain on a digital voltmeter connected to the photometer. Pointing the photometer to the sun is done manually. The values of AOT are calculated automatically when data are entered through GLOBE data entry page.

For instructions on how to use GLOBE sun photometer and calculate AOT please refer to the GLOBE Aerosols Protocol and Field Guide.




NEW! See the students project of Crestwood High School, Michigan, USA that compares the data collected with the two different types of sunphotometer:

Analysis of Aerosol Optical Thickness Data during the Fall and Winter Michigan Months