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Globe At A Glance

SCHOOL at a Glance

  • 101 Students
  • 4 Educators
  • 0 Pre-service Teachers
  • 5 GLOBE Observers
  • 336311 Data Entries
  • 37 Honor Rolls


School Badges

GLOBE at Shumate Middle School

WeatherSTEM - First in Michigan

Gibraltar School District - WeatherSTEM Station Gibraltar School District WeatherSTEM

Thank You:

  AREN Project

Shumate GLOBE Badges 2020 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium

Investigating Eastern Equine Encephalitis in Michigan

Shumate Retention Pond - pH Study

Variation in Daily Soil Moisture - Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Block Pattern

How Does Aerosol Optical Thickness (AOT) Vary Within 50 Kilometers of Lake Erie?

Shumate Front Pond - Water Quality Study

Automated Weather Station Analysis - Gibraltar and Grosse Ile, Michigan

Study Of Precipitation Variation - 2019 - 2020

The Impact of Cloud Cover on Surface Temperature

Surface Temperature Comparison

  2019 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium

Horse Island Hydrology Study

Shumate Salinity Study - 2018 - 2019

Shumate Front Pond pH and Dissolved Oxygen Study

Shumate Middle School - Study Of Precipitation

Shumate Middle School - Three Year Volumetric Soil Moisture Study

What are the Humidity, Precipitation, and Temperature Conditions Associated with Active Mosquito Season?

Winter Season Cloud Study - 2018 - 2019

Shumate Middle School / ICESat-2 - Tree Height Comparisons

Shumate Surface and Air Temperature Study

2018 GLOBE Land Challenge

2018 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium

Shumate Middle School - SMAP Soil Moisture Study

Common Clouds in Southeast Michigan

2017 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium

Shumate Middle School - El Nino Data Comparison Project

GLOBE 2016 Data Entry Challenge
Participant badge
GLOBE 2016 Data Quality Challenge