News - Latvia
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2020 Virtual Meeting of the Europe and Eurasia GLOBE Community
This year it was the first time the Regional Meeting went online. Representatives of 32 countries joined the event
Joint Collaboration with GLOBE Malta, the U.S. Embassy and Malta Embassy in the U.S.
To celebrate the GLOBE Program 25th anniversary, Earth Day, and International Environment Day, GLOBE Malta, the U.S. Embassy, and the Malta Embassy in Washington, D.C., teamed up in a joint project that highlighted U.S. and Maltese collaboration to better understand the Earth systems and the global environment.
2020 Spring Tree Campaign Builds a Bridge between Malta and Israel
On 25 May, students, teachers, and country coordinators from Malta and Israel met to conclude and celebrate a four-month long collaboration that connected schools from both countries through spring tree changes observations and activities.
2020 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium Conclusions
22 schools from the Europe and Eurasia region submitted their projects to the 2020 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium. One of them, the project of Tehnicka skola Daruvar, Croatia, was among the 7 projects selected by drawing to receive stipend.
The GLOBE Program Kicks Off in Georgia on Earth Day
Memorandum of Cooperation was signed online between the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia and CENN, the major non-governmental organization in the country on April 22, the Earth Day. The occasion marks the official opening of the GLOBE Program in Georgia.
Slovak Republic celebrated the Earth Day by joining the GLOBE Program
On 22nd April Slovakia celebrated not only the 50th anniversary of the Earth Day but also the fact that the country joined the GLOBE Program. Slovakia is the 123rd country to participate in this environmental educational program.
Earth Day celebrated mostly online around Europe
On April 22nd the GLOBE Program celebrated its 25th Anniversary as the program was started on the Earth Day back in 1995. Europe and Eurasia community celebrated as well, however, mostly online.
Celebrate the Trees: Collaboration between Malta and Israel
The collaboration between Gozo (Malta) and Israel brought together students, teachers and representatives from U.S. Embassy and The GLOBE Program. It provided a unique learning experience where students and teachers are not only contributing to the scientific discovery but they are being exposed to different cultures, languages and traditions.
GLOBE Keeps Rolling from Closed Schools to Safe Homes
An overview of GLOBE Program changes and new learning opportunitites introduced during COVID-19 crisis in Europe and Eurasia