About Los Angeles Public Library

The Los Angeles Public Library uses GLOBE to provide citizen science programs that enhance environmental awareness.  The Partnership provides professional development for librarians to lead these programs in their branches. They aim to empower the residents of Los Angeles with a greater understanding of their environment and encourage them to be a part of solutions through civic engagement. 

Learn about the Los Angeles Public Library here: https://www.lapl.org

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Globe At A Glance

Partner at a Glance

  • 156 Students
  • 33 Educators
  • 0 Pre-service Teachers
  • 0 GLOBE Observers
  • 113 Data Entries
  • 28 Schools / Informal Education Organizations
  • 0 Honor Rolls
  • 0 Trainers
  • 0 Mentor Trainers
  • 26 People Trained
  • 0 Workshops Held