
Entries with Learning Activities Atmosphere and Climate .

Have you heard there is a new clouds project? It is called NASA GLOBE CLOUD GAZE. It is a merger of GLOBE Clouds and The Zooniverse online citizen science platform. A one-week pacing guide is now available! Sky photographs are one of the most requested portions of a GLOBE Clouds observation. This is because there is so much you can do with them. Photographs give scientists the...

Posted in: Curriculum: Science and Math STEM GLOBE Science Topics: Backyard Science Climate Climate Change Data Included General Science GLOBE Protocols Earth System Science Investigation Areas: Atmosphere Learning Activities: Atmosphere and Climate News Topics: News Briefs Primary Audience: Alumni Country Coordinators Partners Scientists Students Teachers Trainers

The NASA GLOBE Clouds team is continuously working with scientists around the world finding ways that cloud observations from citizen scientists impact the most. As we find new ways of using the data, we want to remind you how important each part of your cloud report is to the scientific community. All cloud observations can help with big questions such as the link between clouds and...

Posted in: Curriculum: Assessment and Evaluation Education Research Science and Math STEM GLOBE Science Topics: Backyard Science Climate Climate Change General Science GLOBE Protocols Earth as a System Earth System Science Scientist Skills GLOBE Working Groups: Science Working Group Education Working Group Investigation Areas: Atmosphere Earth As a System Learning Activities: Atmosphere and Climate News Topics: Community Letters News Briefs Primary Audience: Alumni Country Coordinators Partners Scientists Students Teachers Trainers Student Research Reports: Standard Research Report Teacher's Guide: Investigation Area Documents

The NASA GLOBE Clouds team at NASA Langley Research Center is working with NASA scientist Dr. Bill Smith to use GLOBE Cloud observations made by people just like you to solve the Terminator Problem! Wait, what? Well, the Solar Terminator or twilight zone is that line that separates the daylit side of a planet from the dark night side. The image on the left is an example. It was taken...

Posted in: Curriculum: Education Research Science and Math Technology STEM GLOBE Science Topics: Backyard Science Climate Climate Change Data Included General Science GLOBE Protocols Earth as a System Earth System Science Scientist Skills Investigation Areas: Atmosphere Earth As a System Learning Activities: Atmosphere and Climate Earth as a System News Topics: Community Letters News Briefs Student Research Reports: Standard Research Report International Virtual Science Symposium Report U.S. Student Research Symposia (SRS)

Images taken by Wilson Bentley and property of the Jericho Historical Society.  Did you know that clouds have names? As the title of the GLOBE Elementary book says, clouds do have names. Those names describe the altitude and the appearance of the cloud. Cumulus means pile in Latin, so the name is used to describe low puffy clouds in the sky. Cirrus means locks of hair, and is used to...

Posted in: Curriculum: Assessment and Evaluation GLOBE Science Topics: Backyard Science Investigation Areas: Atmosphere Learning Activities: Atmosphere and Climate News Topics: Community Letters Primary Audience: Alumni

Santa Fe Indian School Café Scientifique presents Marilé Colón Robles, a NASA scientists to share how you can become a citizen scientist and help NASA Learn how to do cloud observations with: Marilé Colón Robles, Project Scientist for NASA Globe Clouds CLICK HERE TO REGISTER Café Description: Marilé Colón Robles, Project Scientist for NASA GLOBE Clouds Science Systems and Applications, Inc....

Posted in: Curriculum: Education Research Language Culture and Arts Science and Math STEM GLOBE Science Topics: Backyard Science Climate Climate Change General Science Earth as a System Earth System Science Scientist Skills Learning Activities: Atmosphere and Climate News Topics: Calendar Primary Audience: Students