Events - Northern Arizona University
WEBINAR | Snow View IOP: Snow Impacts - How Does Your Community Adapt?
Join Ginny Katz, founder of HazAdapt, and the Snow View IOP team to learn about snow hazards and community resiliency planning.
WEBINAR | 30 Years of GLOBE: Make Your Data Talk: Transforming Data Into Visual Stories
Join Peder Nelson, GLOBE Observer Land Cover Science Lead, to learn how to create an animate GIF of a GLOBE study site using Landsat time series images to understand and describe local change.
WEBINAR | Snow View IOP: Snow View IOP Informational Discussion
Join Peder Nelson, GLOBE Observer Land Cover Lead, and the Snow View IOP team for a discussion about the Snow View Intensive Observation Period (IOP) taking place during the month of February.
WEBINAR | 30 Years of GLOBE: GLOBE Chronicles of Change
Join Dr. Rusty Low, Deputy Director of Science for the GLOBE Implementation Office, and Cassie Soeffing, Senior Science Educator, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, in this hands-on webinar that introduces students to different sources of data that can enrich GLOBE data collected locally.
WEBINAR | 30 Years of GLOBE: A Tale of Two Scientists - Changes in Data and Technology Over Time
Join a discussion led by Dr. Russ Congalton and Peder Nelson, GLOBE Land Cover scientists, to learn how changes in technology have impacted GLOBE data and the scientific legacy of GLOBE data.
WEBINAR | The State of Trees – December 2024. Connecting with the "30 Years of GLOBE" Webinar: A Tale of Two Scientists: Changes in Data and Technology Over Time
On 5 December at 10:00 am ET (3:00 pm UTC, 16:00 CET), listen in on a discussion between Dr. Russ Congalton, the original GLOBE Land Cover Protocol scientist, and Peder Nelson, scientist and GLOBE Program partner who currently supports the GLOBE Observer Land Cover tool. Hear their answers to how changes in technology have impacted GLOBE data, and what they believe the scientific legacy of GLOBE data is.
WEBINAR | Urban Heat Island (UHI) Intensive Observation Period (IOP): Participant Engagement in GLOBE Surface Temperature Data Collection
GLOBE Mission Earth is hosting a webinar for the Urban Heat Island (UHI) Intensive Observation Period (IOP) on Monday, 2 December 2024, at 3 pm ET (8 pm UTC). This webinar will highlight studying different surfaces at your schools and how teachers, students, and citizen scientists can participate. Here is the webinar information to participate in the UHI IOP.
WEBINAR | 30 Years of GLOBE: Data Time Machine - How to Look at Local Data Over Time
Join Peder Nelson, GLOBE Observer Land Cover science lead, in a discussion of why we want to explore that past 30 years of GLOBE data and connect it to our present observations.
WEBINAR | 30 Years of GLOBE: 30 Years of GLOBE Data Campaign Introduction
Join us to meet the GIO Science Lead, Dr. Charles Vörösmarty, who will introduce the 2024-2025 data campaign, 30 Years of GLOBE. He will discuss how changes in the Earth system over time can be detected by looking at data time series. Dr. Vörösmarty will provide examples from his work with water and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs).
WEBINAR | 30 Years of GLOBE: GLOBE Data Student Research Presentations on Agrivoltaic Farming and Urban Heat Islands
During the 30 Years of GLOBE Campaign, the GLOBE Implementation Office will facilitate webinars from NASA scientists, GISN members, GLOBE community members, and other subject matter experts to highlight different local climate-related topics, celebrate the past 30 years of GLOBE data and more!
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