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GLOBE Observer App Development Team to Receive NASA Honor Award

Photo of Jessica Taylor, NASA Lead for Education Outreach
Jessica Taylor, center, team
lead for education outreach at NASA
Langley's Science Directorate, shows
educators how to make cloud observations
with the GLOBE Observer App during a
recent workshop. Credits: NASA/David C. Bowman

Congratulations to the GLOBE Observer Team! Their hard work to develop and successfully launch the GLOBE Observer App has been noticed by NASA! The team is being recognized for a GROUP NASA Honor Award – for “sustained excellence in delivering critical SMD mission educational content to students and expanding it to citizen scientists.” The award will be presented to the team at the NASA Honor Ceremony at the Langley Research Center in Virginia, USA, this fall.

The GLOBE Observer App, which is available in iOS and Android formats, allows anyone in a GLOBE country to enter data about clouds directly into the GLOBE database. On 01 March, version 1.2 of the app was released, which includes updates that allow Observers to provide new data points on sky color, visibility, cloud properties and opacity, and surface conditions.

“NASA’s view is through satellites from space, but this app adds another layer to our understanding,” said Sarah McCrea, science outreach coordinator at NASA Langley. “The ground perspective is an important piece to the puzzle.”

“The app now provides an instantaneous view from space that includes a specific match to your data,” said Jessica Taylor, NASA physical scientist and GLOBE master trainer.

The app update also supports multiple languages. Based on input from users, an optional notification system was added that lets Observers know when their local solar noon is occurring and when a satellite is flying over so they can compare their measurements with NASA measurements.

You can become a GLOBE Observer. Just download the GLOBE Observer App and use it to observe the environment wherever you are. To learn more about GLOBE Observer, please visit:

type: globe-news

News origin: GLOBE Implementation Office
