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Looking for a GLOBE Project Collabotor? Check Out this Online Tool!
Are you looking to dive deeper into the scientific and educational adventure that is GLOBE – and need a project collaborator? Then visit the GLOBE website and use the online tool to find GLOBE community members who are interested in collaborating on GLOBE projects, protocols, and/or other activities.  >>

Virtual 2020 North America Regional Meeting a Success!
The 2020 North American Regional Meeting (19-22 October) took place 100-percent virtually this year. Partners, sponsors, Regional Coordination Offices, and GIO staff registered for this event from across the United States and Canada – with a total of 89 participants. The NARM featured 20 unique sessions and 23 speakers; in addition, 14 lightning talks were presented.  >>

Become a Member of a GLOBE Working Group: Nominations Due 01 November
Become a member of a GLOBE Working Group! The GLOBE Program is seeking nominations for the current four Working Groups: Education, Evaluation, Science, and Technology – and for the new Working Group: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). Nominations are due by 01 November 2019 – and the new Working Groups will begin in January 2020. All active GLOBE community members will be considered for the GLOBE Working Groups.  >>

U.S. GLOBE Teachers/Partners: Join Today's (29 October) Thursday Watercooler
U.S. GLOBE Teachers and Partners: Join the Thursday Watercoolers. The Watercoolers will begin at 04:10 p.m. ET with a brief update from U.S. Country Coordinator Jen Bourgeault, and will proceed with a presentation or two from a GLOBE teacher or partner, with time for questions and conversation.  >>

October 2020 Urban Heat Island Effect (UHIE)-Surface Temperature Field Campaign Is On!
The October 2020 Urban Heat Island Effect (UHIE)-Surface Temperature Field Campaign began Thursday, 01 October, and runs through the end of the month.  >>

Updated GLOBE Trainer/Mentor Trainer Process Complete
The GLOBE Trainer/Mentor Trainer process has been updated and is now complete.  >>

Tomorrow (28 October): 2021 IVSS Webinar: “Mapping GLOBE Data with ESRI ArcGIS with Emma and Desiray”
With a focus on data analysis, the GLOBE Implementation Office (GIO) is planning multiple webinars to help you prepare for the 2021 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium (IVSS). The next webinar, “Mapping GLOBE Data with ESRI ArcGIS with Emma and Desiray” will be held on Wednesday, 28 October (09:00 a.m. MT/11:00 p.m. ET/03:00 p.m. UTC).  >>

Check Out One-Stop Info Page/Tutorial for Upcoming GLOBE Website Refresh – Moving Forward Made Easy!
Tip of the Week: Coming this month, GLOBE members will note a few changes when signing in to the website. These changes are all a part of the website software upgrade – a big effort behind the scenes, but one that that will result in only minimal impact for the GLOBE user.  >>

Join Virtual Meteorological Conference on 28-30 October
In celebration of Jackson State University’s Meteorology Program's 45th Anniversary, the Blue Bengal Meteorology Alumni Association, in partnership with Jackson State University (JSU, in Jackson, Mississippi, USA) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) will host a virtual conference 28-30 October.  >>

Feature Your GLOBE Observer Cloud Observations in Fiske Planetarium’s Video Series: Explorations
Fiske Planetarium (CU Boulder, Colorado, USA) has partnered with The GLOBE Program – and they need your help! Fiske’s Explorations series of short videos highlight the incredible projects NASA is involved with, and the people who make them happen. These short films are intended to be distributed free as educational material to planetariums across the nation and the world to help inspire young generations of future scientists and engineers.  >>