
Asset Publisher

GPM Launches "Signs of Spring" Photo Contest
NASA's Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission wants you to "get out your cameras and show off the signs of spring in your area!" The submission period for the photo contest is from 30 March through 27 April.  >>

Youth Guide to the Ocean
Youth and United Nations Global Alliance has produced Youth Guide to the Ocean, an outstanding fact-filled Guide to benefit students in understanding the complexity of the largest ecosystem on Earth. Download it here.  >>

Get Funding for Your GLOBE School in the European Union through Erasmus Plus
Fund your GLOBE school collaborations through Erasmus Plus (Erasmus+), new EU funding that replaces the former Comenius funding. This is a great opportunity for GLOBE schools willing to share their experience, plan projects and/or organize student exchanges with a partner school/ schools within the GLOBE Europe and Eurasia network.  >>

How to Become Involved in the GLOBE Scientist Network
GLOBE invites you to learn about the GLOBE International Scientist Network (GISN)! Register now for upcoming webinars, and access completed webinars, in the five-part GISN Webinar series.  >>

Register for the19th Annual GLOBE Partner Meeting in Los Angeles
The registration site is now open. Don't miss the most exciting GLOBE gathering of 2015.  >>

Website Alert – GLOBE Website will be Read Only from 10–13 April
The GLOBE website will be read only from 10-13 April. Please make a note of this and make accommodations as you will not be able to log in to the website during this time frame.  >>

GLOBE Europe and Eurasia Announces Winners of the Regional GLOBE at My School Photo Competition
GLOBE schools from the Europe and Eurasia Region contributed by more than 600 hundred photos that captured their best moments with GLOBE showing their work, GLOBE study sites and their local environment.  >>

2015 GLOBE Educator Fellowships Awarded
The GLOBE Program is pleased to announce the first recipients of the GLOBE Distinguished Educator Fellowship: Dr. Umarporn Charusombat of Thailand (Asia and Pacific Region) and Mr. John Moore of the United States (North American Region).  >>

NASA Launches Groundbreaking SMAP Observatory!
NASA successfully launched the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) observatory on 31 January at 9:22 EST (14:22 UTC). SMAP is the first Earth satellite designed to collect global observations of the vital soil moisture hidden just beneath our feet.  >>