
Asset Publisher

GLOBE Community: What Are GLOBE’s Impacts Around the World? Find Out!
Tip of the Week: Did you know that you the international GLOBE network has grown to include representatives from over 122 participating countries and over 131 U.S. Partners coordinating GLOBE activities that are integrated into their local and regional communities? How about the fact that GLOBE students have contributed over 175 million measurements to the GLOBE database for use in their inquiry-based science projects?  >>

2020 IVSS Research Report Templates (by Grade Level) Now Available! Sign Up to Judge Today!
GLOBE is excited to host the 2020 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium (IVSS) – a way for primary through undergraduate students from all GLOBE countries to showcase their GLOBE-related research. Reports, which are being accepted in multiple languages, can be uploaded beginning in mid-January.  >>

U.S. Undergraduate/Grad Students: Applications for SOARS Summer Internship (Boulder, Colorado) Due 01 February
U.S. undergraduate/graduate students (U.S. citizens or green card holders): Applications for SOARS (Significant Opportunities in Atmospheric Research and Science) 2020 summer internship program are due 01 February.  >>

Today (05 Dec) Mission Mosquito Webinar: “Mosquito Assassins: A SWAT Analysis”
On Thursday, 05 December, at 8:00 p.m. ET, GLOBE Mission Mosquito will be hosting a webinar, “Mosquito Assassins: A SWAT Analysis”  >>

Today (04 December) Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign “Open Forum” Webinar
The Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign webinar “Open Forum: Bringing Together GLOBE Students to Informally Chat About Trees Campaign Student Research Projects,” will be held on Tuesday, 03 December (9:00 a.m. EST/2:00 p.m. UTC) AND on Wednesday, 04 December (8:00 p.m. EST/1:00 a.m. UTC).  >>

Ten Countries Celebrate Their Anniversary with The GLOBE Program in December
Congratulations to the 10 GLOBE countries celebrating anniversaries of successful GLOBE implementation during the month of December.  >>

GLOBE Implementation Office Closed 28-29 November for Thanksgiving Holiday
The GLOBE Implementation Office (GIO), including the Community Support Team, will be closed Thursday-Friday (22-23 November) to celebrate the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday.  >>

GLOBE 2019 Fall Cloud Challenge Rakes in the Observations! A Big “Thank You” to all Participants!
The GLOBE 2019 Fall Cloud Observation Challenge, which ran from 15 October through 15 November, has wrapped up. The Challenge brought in more than 45,000 observations from citizen scientists in more than 17,000 locations in 93 countries on every continent — including Antarctica.  >>

GLOBE Community: Need a Project Collaborator? Find One Today – Collaboration Made Easy!
Tip of the Week: Need a Project Collaborator? Then visit the GLOBE website and use this handy tool to find GLOBE community members who are interested in collaborating on GLOBE projects, protocols, and/or other activities!  >>

In a GLOBE Zika Education and Prevention Project Region? Apply for a Community Action Grant!
Through support from the GLOBE Zika Education and Prevention Project, Initial Implementation Countries and collaborating countries in the three participating GLOBE regions are eligible to receive Community Action Grants. Community Action Grants can be used to carry out Local Mosquito Workshops (LMWs), or other community-based projects that carry out the goals of the GLOBE Zika Education and Prevention Project.  >>