
Asset Publisher

Read the Latest GLOBE Star Story: Swiss Students Share Their GLOBE Research Projects – and Their GLOBE Story – at U.S. Embassy in Switzerland
In July 2018, a group of five Swiss students and their teacher, Andreas Schmid, from Kantonsschule Olten traveled to Killarney, Ireland, for the 2018 GLOBE Learning Expedition (GLE) to present their scientific research projects to hundreds of other international students, teachers, and scientists.  >>

Join the National Water Quality Monitoring Council Webinar on Lake Monitoring Today (10 October)
On Wednesday, 10 October, at 3:00 p.m. ET, the National Water Quality Monitoring Council will be hosting a webinar on lake monitoring.  >>

U.S. Teachers: Join the Teacher Watercooler Meetup Today (09 October)!
U.S. GLOBE Teachers: Join the GLOBE Professional Learning Community (PLC) and hear how other GLOBE teachers use GLOBE with their students during a Teacher Watercooler meet-up at 7:00 p.m. ET on Tuesday, 09 October.  >>

GLOBE Community: Do You Know Who Your U.S. Partner or Country Coordinator Is? There’s an Easy Way to Find Out!
Tip of the Week: GLOBE community members – do you know who your U.S. Partner or who your Country Coordinator is? There’s an easy way to find out, just click here!  >>

Ten Countries Celebrate Anniversary with The GLOBE Program in October
Congratulations to the 10 GLOBE countries celebrating anniversaries of successful GLOBE implementation during the month of October.  >>

GLOBE Urban Heat Island Effect/Surface Temperature Field Campaign Begins Today (01 October) – Your Observations Are Invaluable!
The Urban Heat Island Effect – Surface Temperature Field Campaign will begin again today (01 October), and will run through 31 October. Your observations, and continued participation, is invaluable to this scientific endeavor.  >>

GLOBE Regions Have Entered Over One Million Measurements into GLOBE Database!
All six of The GLOBE Program regions (Africa, Asia and Pacific, Europe and Eurasia, Latin America and Caribbean, Near East and North Africa, and North America) have now entered over ONE MILLION measurements into the GLOBE database!  >>

GLOBE Community: Here’s How You Upload Photos and Videos to GLOBE Webpages – Uploading Made Easy!
Tip of the Week: Want to upload photos or videos to the GLOBE Website? Watch this demonstration video and learn how to upload today!  >>

September 2018 News Brief Left
September 2018 News Brief Left  >>

Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay Collaborate on “Triple Frontier” – A Three-Country GLOBE Zika Education and Prevention Project Training
In August, Zika virus mitigation efforts extended across international borders as Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay held a joint “Triple Frontier” Country Mosquito Training (CMT) in support of the GLOBE Zika Education and Prevention project.  >>