
Asset Publisher

GLOBE Teachers: GLOBE and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) – Alignment Made Easy
Tip of the Week: Interested in learning how you can incorporate GLOBE into your curriculum to address NGSS? The GLOBE Program offers a guide that walks you through the NGSS Disciplinary Core Idea (DCI) Weather and Climate throughout K-12. Just click here to access “The GLOBE Program and NGSS: A Tour Through Elementary, Middle, and High School Grades.”  >>

Register Today for 19 June GLOBE ENSO Webinar: “Summertime Fun and Phase II”
Register today for the GLOBE ENSO Student Research Campaign webinar: “Summertime Fun and Phase II.” The webinar will take place on Monday, 19 June, at 8:00 p.m. EST (12:00 a.m. UTC). You can join this webinar by registering here.  >>

Letter to the Community
Letter to the Community  >>

05 June is World Environment Day – Citizen Scientists Play Crucial Role in “Connecting People to Nature“
The theme of this year’s World Environment Day, 05 June, is “Connecting People to Nature.” Citizen scientists have become invaluable contributors to this world-wide event, and the data they are busy collecting is becoming one of the best ways to protect the nature we are trying to connect with.  >>

May 2017 GLOBE News Brief
May 2017 GLOBE News Brief  >>

GLOBE Opportunity for U.S. Middle School Science Teachers: Professional Development Workshop Will be Held in Boulder, Colorado, USA, in August – Travel/Stipend Offered
Twelve middle school science teachers are being recruited to attend a teacher professional development workshop in Boulder, Colorado, USA, from 13-18 August – and to field test a science unit on weather that uses activities, data, and scientific protocols from The GLOBE Program. BSCS (Biological Sciences Curriculum Study) and SciEd (UCAR Center for Science Education) are developing this innovative middle school science unit.  >>

Participating in the U.S. Regional Student Research Symposia? This Year’s Rubric Now Available Online – And Many More Resources Available!
The rubric that will be used for project review at the 2017 U.S. Regional Student Research Symposia (SRS) is now available online. The rubric is based on the GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium scoring rubric, with modifications for the poster/presentation style of the SRS.  >>

GLOBE U.S. Teachers – Read the Latest STEM Education Coalition Newsletter
Read the latest STEM Education Coalition Newsletter!  >>

GLOBE Teachers: Hands-on Learning with Teaching Boxes – Science Content Made Easy!
GLOBE Teachers: Hands-on Learning with Teaching Boxes – Science Content Made Easy!  >>

Deadline for Submission of Abstracts for Annual Meeting Student Research Exhibition Extended to 01 June!
The 5th Student Research Exhibition will take place during the poster session of the 21st GLOBE Annual Meeting in New Haven Connecticut, USA. The deadline for the submission of student abstracts for the exhibition has been extended to 01 June.  >>