News - University of Arkansas
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Keeping Up With the Urban Heat Island/Student Research Campaign? Read Dr. C’s Latest Blog!
The GLOBE Program is hosting the annual Urban Heat Island/Student Research Campaign (formerly known as the Surface Temperature Field Campaign) from December 1 to December 31, 2016. Want to know more about the campaign? Read the latest blog by Dr. Kevin Czajkowski (Dr. C), campaign scientist.
United States Regional Student Research Symposia: 27 April 2017 – 03 June 2017
Through a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF), students from across the United States have the opportunity to come together at one of six face-to-face regional science symposia (formerly regional science fairs) to share the results of field investigations using GLOBE Program protocols. The competition grade spans are: grades 5-8 and grades 9-12.
GLOBE Selects Location for 21st GLOBE Annual Partner Meeting and Student Experience for 2017: New Haven, Connecticut, USA
The 21st GLOBE Annual Partner Meeting and Student Research Experience/Field Experience will be held in New Haven, Connecticut, USA, at the campus of Southern Connecticut State University (SCSU). The theme of Annual Meeting is, “Coastal Resilience in Urban Environments.”
Register as a GLOBE Alumnus!
If you have participated in GLOBE as a student, we encourage you to register to become a member of the GLOBE Alumni Organization.
GISN Community: GLOBE Across the Curriculum – Interdisciplinary Studies Made Easy!
Tip of the Week: Check out GLOBE Across the Curriculum. GLOBE provides students with a more integrated view of the various subjects they study and supports curricula interconnections in all areas. Interdisciplinary GLOBE projects have included science, mathematics, technology, geography, social studies, language, culture, art, music, physical education, cross-age collaborations, service learning projects, life-long learning opportunities and community involvement.
Read Dr. C’s Latest Blog on Urban Heat Island/Student Research Campaign
The GLOBE Program is hosting the annual Urban Heat Island/Student Research Campaign (formerly known as the Surface Temperature Field Campaign) from December 1 to December 31, 2016. Want to know more about the campaign? Read the latest blog by Dr. Kevin Czajkowski (Dr. C), campaign scientist.
GLOBE Community: Thanks for Participating in the GLOBE Data Quality Challenge 2016
GLOBE would like to thank all of the community members who participated in the Data Quality Challenge! Your work in comparing site locations associated with your account, and correcting the ones that needed to be corrected, is greatly appreciated! Data entry is about quality as much as quantity!
The GLOBE Urban Heat Island/Student Research Campaign 2016 Has Begun! Register for Upcoming Webinar
The GLOBE Program will host the annual Urban Heat Island/Student Research Campaign (formerly known as the Surface Temperature Field Campaign) from December 1 to December 31, 2016.
Life Science Teachers! Earn a $300 Stipend to Help Pilot-Test Classroom Modules
BSCS (Biological Science Curriculum Study) is developing middle and high school health and science literacy curriculum modules and they need your help to pilot-test the modules in your classroom. The modules are part of a National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded project, Developing Skills in Health Literacy.
Do GLOBE Citizen Scientists Bring NASA into the School Yard? Read Latest IEEE Article and Find Out!
Where can teachers bring students for age-appropriate hands on activities that will introduce them to the science that makes up our world? To The GLOBE Program, of course!
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