News - University of Arkansas
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Encourage your students to enter the 2014 GLOBE Calendar Art Competition
The GLOBE 2014 Calendar Art Competition is currently underway and the deadline has been extended to 15 October. Encourage your students to express themselves and send us an illustration about what makes their local environment unique.
Tribute to GLOBE from Student in the Dominican Republic
Yamila Franco, a GLOBE student of Dr. Maria Lorraine de Ruiz-Alma, Headmistress of the Notre Dame School in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, is about to embark on an exciting new journey.
Texas Students Make Science Lessons a Global Affair
"On Friday night, when most high school students in Tyler, Texas, were going home from a football game, three girls in Hawkins had a different plan. Allyson Edwards, Hope Hughes and Madison Jaco, all Hawkins High School students, intended to Skype students in India to talk about research," writes Emily Guevara of the Tyler Morning Star Newspaper in Tyler, Texas. Learn more about the collaboration to analyze soil characteristics involving students in Tyler and in New Delhi, India, and the girls' trip to Maryland with science teacher Audra Edwards to present their findings at the 2013 GLOBE Student Research Exhibition.
September 2013 News Brief
All the latest news in one place...
Read the September 2013 GLOBE News Brief.
Community Spotlight - Marcy Seavey
The love of learning and passion for doing GLOBE has long been part of Marcy Seavey's life. Currently, she is Program Director for the Iowa Academy of Science and she coordinates the GLOBE Partnership and Project WET (Water Education for Teachers) and provides staff support for the Iowa Junior Academy of Science and the Iowa science teaching section of the Academy.
Sixth Annual Siemens 'We Can Change The World' Challenge
The Siemens We Can Change the World Challenge is the premier national environmental sustainability competition for K-12 students in the United States. Through project-based learning, students learn about science and conservation while creating solutions that impact their planet. Beginning August 13, 2013 through March 4, 2014, teams from across the country will be challenged to create sustainable, reproducible environmental improvements in their local communities.
Community Spotlight - Jennifer Bourgeault
Working in a collaborative and strategic fashion with the GLOBE Program Office (GPO), United States Country Coordinator Jennifer Bourgeault is finding new and innovative ways to connect with Partners and provide them with the necessary tools to make their experience working with GLOBE more engaging and meaningful.
Deadline Extended to Submit Proposal to Host the 2014 GLOBE Learning Expedition (GLE)
The GLOBE Program Office (GPO) in Boulder, Colorado is extending the deadline to submit proposals to host the 2014 GLOBE Learning Expedition (GLE). Proposals are now due 31 August 2013. This replaces the previous deadline of 2 August 2013.
Photo of the Week
This year's GLOBE Games in the Czech Republic involved 130 students and 38 teachers from 27 schools who engaged in learning activities and games, presented projects and held a public festival while teachers received additional training in science protocols.
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