News - University of Arkansas
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Announcing the NASA SMAP Campaign for GLOBE Students
In support of the Soild Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) satellite mission, NASA has initiated a 7-month-long soil moisture measurement campaign, from 1 October 2015 through 30 April 2016, and invites GLOBE schools to participate.
Website Alert – GLOBE Website will be "Read Only" on 19 September and 3 - 5 October
Plan accordingly as you will not be able to log in to the GLOBE website during these time frames.
Upstream Alliance Sea Kayaking Expedition Uses GLOBE Protocols
Upstream Alliance is a nonprofit organization that connects people to nature using education and leadership expeditions.On 9 September 2015, members of Upstream Alliance embarked on an 800-km, 30-day sea kayak expedition circumnavigating the Delmarva Peninsula, a large peninsula on the East Coast of the United States, using GLOBE protocols to guide their research investigations.
American Meteorological Society Opportunity for GLOBE Teachers
The American Meteorological Society (AMS) DataStreme project is a nationwide initiative that provides K-12 teachers the opportunity to take a weather, ocean, or climate science course for graduate credit. Read more here.
NASA Seeking High School STEM Educators for Research Initiative
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) Office of Education is seeking high school STEM educators to participate in a year-long NASA GISS (Goddard Institute for Space Studies) Climate Change Research Initiative (CCRI).
ICCARS Offering Webinars on Climate Change for Middle and High School Teachers
ICCARS (Investigating Climate Change And Remote Sensing) invites middle school and high school teachers to join the Lifelines Professional Learning Community (PLC) for the 2015-2016 school year.
OA-ICC Considers Ocean Acidification Training in Capetown, South Africa
Interested in a training course on ocean acidification? The Ocean Acidification International Coordination Centre (OA-ICC) is interested in determining potential interest in a November workshop in Capetown, South Africa.
National Park Foundation Offers "Every Kid in a Park" Pass
Beginning 1 September, The U.S. National Park Foundation will be offering an "Every Kid in a Park" Pass to all 4th graders and their families. This free park pass is part of a new initiative to provide the next generation of American national park visitors, supporters, and advocates the opportunity to experience and explore places that are home to this country's "natural treasures, rich history, and vibrant culture."
AMS Offers Wealth of Resources to K-12 Educators and Undergraduate Faculty
The American Meteorological Society (AMS) offers continues to offer a wide variety of resources, materials, and programs for K-12 educators as well as faculty at undergraduate institutions.
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