News - University of Arkansas
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March GLOBE Zika Education and Prevention Project Update
The latest Zika Action and Impact Meeting was held, via Zoom, on 18 March. There were approximately 20 attendees representing nine countries (Benin, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Togo, and Uganda), as well as two Public Health Officials (PHOs).
U.S. GLOBE Teachers: 20-24 April is National Environmental Education Week
From 20-24 April, the National Environmental Education Foundation (NEEF) is hosting the nation’s largest celebration of environmental education in the United States for the 16th Annual National Environmental Education Week (EE Week). Each year, NEEF partners with educators, students, government agencies, businesses, communities, nonprofit organizations, and others to inspire environmental learning and encourage stewardship of essential resources: land, air, and water.
2020 Spring U.S. Student Research Symposia Cancelled
The United States Regional Student Research Symposia (SRS) will not be held this spring due to COVID-19. Currently, the SRS leadership team is discussing other ways that students can share their GLOBE research.
Postponed: NASA GLOBE Observer Trees Challenge 2020: Make Every Tree Count
The NASA GLOBE Observer Trees Challenge 2020: Make Every Tree Count event has been postponed.
Using the GLOBE Observer Mosquito Habitat Mapper? Read Recent Community Blog: “Big Data and Mosquitoes”
Are you using the GLOBE Observer Mosquito Habitat Mapper to help reduce the threat of mosquito-transmitted disease across the world? Read a recent blog by NASA Science Educator Dorian Wood Janney, “Big Data and Mosquitoes.”
30 March: 2020 IVSS Informational Judging Webinar
The GLOBE Program is looking for volunteers to help score projects for the 2020 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium (IVSS). There will be an informational judging webinar on Monday, 30 March (8:00 a.m. EST/1:00 p.m. UTC).
Join Community-led “GLOBE Water Bodies Intensive Observation Period” (23 March through 17 April)
The GLOBE community is leading an exciting new event: “GLOBE Water Bodies Intensive Observation Period” (IOP) from 23 March through 17 April. All GLOBE countries are invited to join in this data collection and research endeavor. During the IOP, participants will identify a water body close to their schools or towns, and collect and enter data using GLOBE hydrosphere protocol bundles: Water Quality Bundle, Rivers and Lakes Bundle, and Ocean Bundle.
Using GLOBE Observer Tools? Read Recent Community Blog Providing Geolocation Accuracy Tips
Are you using GLOBE Observer tools? Read a recent blog by Dr. Rusty Low (GLOBE Mission Mosquito Science Lead) and Peder Nelson (Oregon State University, Science Lead for GLOBE Observer Land Cover): “Geolocation Accuracy Tips for GLOBE Observer Tools: Mosquito Habitat Mapper and Land Cover.”
Tomorrow (17 March) Trees Around the GLOBE Campaign Webinar “The Use of LiDAR to Derive Tree Heights"
The Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign webinar “The Use of LiDAR to Derive Tree Heights and Other Structural Vegetation Characteristics: Applications for Mapping Habitats in a Post-fire Environment,” will be held on Tuesday, 17 March, at 2:00 p.m. EST (6:00 p.m. UTC).
GLOBE Water Bodies Intensive Observation Period (23 March-17 April) Discussion Forum Now Open
The Water Bodies Discussion Forum is Open! The forum can be used by teachers to post about student research; and to share results, photos, and stories of their water bodies. This is also a great tool for the organizing team to contact community – including sharing “invites” for webinars, encouraging data entry, and so on.
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