News - University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus
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Call for Nominations: Join one of the Five New GLOBE Working Groups
Five Working Groups are being formed to enhance the role of GLOBE U.S. and Country Partners/Coordinators and GLOBE Scientists and Educators in shaping the future of the GLOBE Program and supporting the development and implementation of GLOBE worldwide. Nominations for representatives are now being accepted.
View the GLOBE Earth Day Video
On Earth Day 1994, plans were announced for a new program called GLOBE and in the two decades since then, GLOBE has grown into a vibrant community throughout the entire world. You can understand why Earth Day is always such a significant day for us. For all of you around the world, we created this special tribute to our wonderful GLOBE community.
Make a #GlobalSelfie with NASA on Earth Day
NASA invites you -- and everyone else on the planet -- to take part in a worldwide celebration of Earth Day this year with the agency's #GlobalSelfie event.
2014 GLE and Annual Partner Meeting in India - Registration Open
Registration for the 2014 GLOBE Learning Expedition (GLE), and 18th Annual GLOBE Partner Meeting is open! Join us in the GLOBE community's most exciting event of 2014, in New Delhi, from 3 – 8 August.
New and Revised Website Features Coming!
A new and improved Honor Roll system will be available on the GLOBE website. The original recognition system was termed the GLOBE Chief Scientist's Honor Roll. The GLOBE Science Honor Roll is a way for GLOBE to recognize the data contributions of GLOBE students and schools.
Additionally, in response to the great feedback we have received from the GLOBE community, a number of enhancements have been added to the Workshop, and News and Events applications.
GLOBE Sponsor Survey
Read the message from our Sponsors to the 366 GLOBE teachers, trainers and master trainers who completed the recent survey relating to the development of online training materials.
Trees for Life
Join Mika Vanhanen, Former GLOBE teacher in Finland, and current founder, CEO of ENO - Environment Online in the "Treelympics" an international tree-planting competition. Celebrate 10 years of ENO, and help acheive ENO's committment to planting 100 million trees by 2017!
Earth Day 2014
Plans for the GLOBE Program were announced on Earth Day 1994 in Washington D.C., and one year later, on Earth Day 1995, The GLOBE Program officially began operations. It's understandable why Earth Day is such an important day for the GLOBE community.
GLOBE Learning Expedition (GLE) and Annual Partner Meeting Update
Plans continue for the GLE and Annual Partner Meeting taking place in New Delhi, India, in August 2014.
Successful Launch of the Global Precipitation Measurement Satellite
The Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Core Observatory, a joint Earth-observing mission between NASA and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), thundered into space on 28 February from its launch pad at Tanegashima Space Center in Japan.
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