News - University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus
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The GLOBE International Scientist Network Doubles in Size
The GLOBE International Scientist Network (GISN) has nearly doubled in the past year! The GISN is an international network of scientists who work with GLOBE students around the world.
NASA Opportunities for Students
NASA encourages students to engage all sorts of challenging activities and competitions to expand their minds through creativity, innovation and attention to detail, the same hallmarks of spaceflight. Read about several opportunities currently being offered in science, 3D modeling and film making, for US and International students.
NASA's Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Mission Begins Science Operations
SMAP data will eventually reveal how soil moisture conditions are changing over time in response to climate and how this impacts regional water availability.
GLOBE Europe and Eurasia Host Student Video Campaign
The GLOBE Europe and Eurasia Regional Coordination Office has launched a video campaign to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of The GLOBE Program.
2016 GLOBE International Virtual Science Fair
The GLOBE Program is pleased to announce the 2016 GLOBE International Virtual Science Fair! As part of GLOBE's 20th Anniversary celebration, we are asking GLOBE students to share their research with the world.
GLOBE Salutes Schools Making the "Data Count" During Earth Week Challenge
In celebration of Earth Day 2015, and GLOBE's 20th Anniversary, more than 240 schools answered the call to not just count the data, but to make the data count. More than 160,000 measurements were added to the GLOBE database during the Data Entry Challenge that took place over Earth Week (20-24 April).
SMAP Captures Views of Global Soil Moisture
Data from the radiometer instrument on NASA's Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) observatory have led to the creation of new maps of global soil moisture. The new images (each a composite of three days of SMAP radiometer data, collected in April) show the volumetric water content in the top 2 inches (5 centimeters) of soil. These uncalibrated soil moisture images will be evaluated during the calibration and validation phase of SMAP's science mission, which begins on 10 May.
2015 NSTA Summer Institutes – Implementing NGSS Conference
The National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) is offering summer institutes to help educators implement the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). This conference (held in two different U.S. locations this July) is designed to help educators and school leaders understand the changes occurring with NGSS, including how to apply NGSS in the classroom.
Free NASA STEM Educator Professional Development Collaborative Webinars
The NASA STEM Educator Professional Development Collaborative (EPDC) is presenting a series of no-cost webinars open to all educators. All pre-service, K-12, and informal educators, as well as university faculty, are invited to join NASA education specialists to learn about NASA missions, activities, lesson plans, educator guides, and online resources that integrate NASA and STEM into the classroom.
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