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IMPORTANT: New Email Address for Entering Data Via GLOBE’s Email Data Entry Portal
Effective immediately: If you are using GLOBE’s Email Data Entry portal to send in GLOBE measurements, you need to start using this new email: The old email address will be retired in November.  >>

GLOBE Community: Need a Project Collaborator? Find One Today – Collaboration Made Easy!
Tip of the Week: Need a Project Collaborator? Then visit the GLOBE website and use this handy tool to find GLOBE community members who are interested in collaborating on GLOBE projects, protocols, and/or other activities!  >>

Ten Countries Celebrate Anniversary with The GLOBE Program in November
Congratulations to the 10 GLOBE countries celebrating anniversaries of successful GLOBE implementation during the month of November.  >>

GLOBE Zika and Education Project Update: Project Receives No-Cost Extension through March 2021
The GLOBE Implementation Office (GIO) has received confirmation from the US Department of State on a six-month No-Cost Extension (NCE) for the Zika Education and Prevention Project, with the new completion date of 31 March 2021.  >>

The 2019-2020 GLOBE Annual Review is Now Available Online!
The GLOBE Program 2019-2020 Annual Review is now available online! This extensive document vibrantly chronicles many of the events, activities, and dedicated achievements of members from around GLOBE’s six regions.  >>

Looking for a GLOBE Project Collabotor? Check Out this Online Tool!
Are you looking to dive deeper into the scientific and educational adventure that is GLOBE – and need a project collaborator? Then visit the GLOBE website and use the online tool to find GLOBE community members who are interested in collaborating on GLOBE projects, protocols, and/or other activities.  >>

Virtual 2020 North America Regional Meeting a Success!
The 2020 North American Regional Meeting (19-22 October) took place 100-percent virtually this year. Partners, sponsors, Regional Coordination Offices, and GIO staff registered for this event from across the United States and Canada – with a total of 89 participants. The NARM featured 20 unique sessions and 23 speakers; in addition, 14 lightning talks were presented.  >>

Become a Member of a GLOBE Working Group: Nominations Due 01 November
Become a member of a GLOBE Working Group! The GLOBE Program is seeking nominations for the current four Working Groups: Education, Evaluation, Science, and Technology – and for the new Working Group: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). Nominations are due by 01 November 2019 – and the new Working Groups will begin in January 2020. All active GLOBE community members will be considered for the GLOBE Working Groups.  >>

U.S. GLOBE Teachers/Partners: Join Today's (29 October) Thursday Watercooler
U.S. GLOBE Teachers and Partners: Join the Thursday Watercoolers. The Watercoolers will begin at 04:10 p.m. ET with a brief update from U.S. Country Coordinator Jen Bourgeault, and will proceed with a presentation or two from a GLOBE teacher or partner, with time for questions and conversation.  >>

October 2020 Urban Heat Island Effect (UHIE)-Surface Temperature Field Campaign Is On!
The October 2020 Urban Heat Island Effect (UHIE)-Surface Temperature Field Campaign began Thursday, 01 October, and runs through the end of the month.  >>