
Asset Publisher

Big Changes to GLOBE Observer and GLOBE’s Data Entry System are Now Here!
We’re happy to announce that a long-term project has come to conclusion. Monday, 12 July marked the release of a number of changes and additions to the GLOBE Observer app.  >>

Land Cover Challenge Winners 2018
Citizen scientists from all of the GLOBE regions -- and from 25 countries -- participated in the 2018 Land Cover Challenge.  >>

GLOBE Teachers: Join the "Local Lake Challenge" 02-08 October
GLOBE Teachers: GLOBE would like to invite you and your students to particpate in an international hydrology data-collection event that will take place from 02-08 October. In conjunction with the GLOBE expedition to Lake Victoria in Africa and Pokhara Lake in Nepal, you can take your students on a scientific journey to a lake in your area, collect data, and then enter the data into the GLOBE website – for eventual comparison with similar data taken around the world.  >>

Celebrate Citizen Science Day 2018 with Us
Happy Citizen Science Day 2018! This week on the NASA GLOBE Observer social media pages (Facebook and Twitter) you can learn more about seven other citizen science projects that you can do with NASA.  >>

2012 Student Xpedition to the Roof of Africa
The 4th annual GLOBE Africa and Seasons and Biomes Xpedition is just around the corner. In a matter of weeks, GLOBE students, teachers and scientists will make another epic trek to the summit of the highest peak in Africa.  >>

Students Conduct Research Near Santa Barbara Channel Islands
Twenty-eight high school students from seven countries in the Near East-North Africa (NENA) GLOBE region and 12 locations in North America participated in the second Ocean for Life field study from 14 - 26 July 2011, aimed at increasing cultural understanding through ocean science.  >>