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The effect of temperature change on the type of clouds formed in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Country:Saudi Arabia
Student(s):Batool abed AL-harbi
Grade Level:Secondary School (grades 9-12, ages 14-18)
GLOBE Teacher:Maryam Hussein Almashei
Contributors:There is no
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Protocols:Air Temperature, Clouds, Barometric Pressure, Relative Humidity
Presentation Poster: View Document
Optional Badges:I am a Data Scientist, I make an Impact, I am a STEM Storyteller
Date Submitted:03/05/2020
the clouds on Jeddah
This research aims to study the effect of temperature on the type of clouds formed in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia as a basic hypothesis An alternative hypothesis was also developed to study the effect of humidity on the type of clouds formed A site has been identified in the city of Jeddah and monitoring the type of clouds for 12 days with measuring temperature, humidity, and pressure using Globe devices and devices. Measurements have also been entered in the Globe website. We found that there are specific types consisting of clouds on this city with a convergence in temperature and a variation in humidity values, which confirms the validity of the alternative hypothesis.
