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Spring Campaign 2024 - Activity 1 (1^A Marcallo con Casone, Italy)

Sabrina Pelizzari, modified 3 Months ago.
Jedi Master Posts: 30 Join Date: 1/19/17 Recent Posts
Students of 1^A Class are observing a birch tree (Betula pendula) and a curly maple tree (Acer platanoides), growing in the schoolgarden.
Photos were taken on February 19th, a sunny day. After we had many rainy days; average  temperature is 10°C.

BIRCH (Betula pendula)
Latitude: 45.486956
Longitude: 8.875165
Elevation: 147 m
Circumference (at 135cm above the ground): 78 cm and 40 cm (the main trunk divides into two parts)
Height: about 12 m
On 29th February all buds were dormant. 

MAPLE (Acer platanoides)
Longitude: 8.875046
Elevation: 147 m
Circumference: 92 cm
Height: 9,80 m
On 29th February all buds were dormant. 

Best regards!


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