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Activity 4 - My Green Up Data + Data Upload Guide

Lenka Kleger, modified 5 Years ago.
Jedi Council Member Posts: 85 Join Date: 7/27/17 Recent Posts
Dear friends,

Leaves on most of your trees are already fully grown. Now it is time to enter the data from your measurement into the GLOBE databaseI believe that you will find it easy when using Data Upload Guide that will guide you through the process step by step.

In Activity 4, you will also learn, what amazing things you can do with the GLOBE Visualization Tool and find ideas for further work with your data. 

The activity should be completed by June 5. To gain Data Entry Badge, upload data
for at least one tree into the GLOBE database.

Have fun visualising and sharing your data. And thank you for sharing your results in the Discussion forum!


Activity 4 – My Green Up Data

1) Upload your green up data to globe.gov websiteTo share the data with other schools and see a graph of your leaf growing in time, upload the data to the GLOBE website. It is not complicated, just give it a try.
  • Follow the guide we prepared for you.
  • You need the data that you collected at Activities 1, 2 and 3.
2) See the graph of your tree budburst at the GLOBE Visualization tool
Once your data are uploaded correctly you can do amazing things:
  • See the data on the world map linked to your school
  • Draw a graph with your data and print it out
  • Compare data from different locations – in graph and spreadsheet
It is easy. If you are not familiar with the Visualization tool, please see the video guide.

3) Compare your data to the data of another school and to your data from previous years at the GLOBE Visualization tool
  • Filter out the Green Up data from schools in your country or any other location
  • Compare the same species and see if the budburst date was the same or different
  • Ask students to come with a hypothesis why the budburst date differs. Let them find out more about the specific conditions of the site where the tree grows (latitude, longitude, elevation, air temperature, precipitation)
  • If you have data from your own observations of previous years, compare them with this year's data. If the budburst dates differ, try to compare weather conditions and find out if there could be also other reasons.
4) Share your graph in the Discussion forum. Comment on how your data differs from that of other schools or from your data from previous years.


We are here to help you.
If you have any technical issue when uploading the data and working with the Visualization tool, please contact us at europe@globe.gov. Most of the problems can be solved by one or two more clicks! We will tell you how to do it.emoticon


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