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August 16, 2012 Yesterday after we arrived in Frankfurt, we walked around the city. It is an amazing city. It is big enough that there is a lot of business but it is small enough that the streets are not clogged with cars. Maybe one of the reasons is that so many people ride bicycles. There were bikes everywhere. Sometimes the people walking have to be careful not to get run over by the bikes. We went down to the old part of Frankfurt which is near the River Main. The old town area is very cool to visit. I found it interesting that much of the old town had to be rebuilt ...

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Tree-of-heaven ( Ailanthus altissima ) is spreading widely throughout West Virginia and threatening the native forest ecosystems in Appalachia.  This invasive plant was introduced to the United States from China in the 1780s. The same exotic tree species was also introduced to Japan in 1860s but is not aggressive in this country. In Japan, particularly in the Kyushu Island, tree-of-heaven is rarely found in natural forest ecosystems but a few trees may be found growing in university campuses (i.e. Kyushu University), school premises and house backyards. Tree-of-heaven was initially ...

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Establishment and proliferation of invasive species in an environment where they were introduced is becoming a worldwide problem. During my trip to Kyushu University in Fukuoka, Japan in 2008 for a research fellowship, I was able to observe the same plant species that is also considered invasive in the United States. It is called the tree-of-heaven ( Ailanthus altissima ). This trip initiated a project involving a more in-depth investigation of the competitiveness of Ailanthus as an invasive plant. With the involvement of undergraduate students in the Department of Land Resources at ...

Posted in: GLOBE Science Topics: GENERAL SCIENCE   Investigation Areas: EARTH AS A SYSTEM

My student, Kaitlin, presented her GLOBE project at our school board meeting last night!! She also shared her experiences from the GLOBE Program Annual Partner Meeting in Minnesota. There is a nice story about her at You can even leave comments for her. Kids love receiving comments!!  Hint-hint:) I will be leaving tomorrow for my Teacher at Sea research experience with sharks. You or your students (anyone) can follow my blog at

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The annual meeting is a blast! Having a student of mine present before an international audience has been such a growing moment for her. I encourage all of you to get yourself and your students to next year's meeting. I've got to get back to work, but thought I would send out a brief message to all of you.

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Finally, I am now connected with the Globe program. Very exciting. Looking forward to getting more involved in this program.

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I'm at the 16th Annual GLOBE Partner meeting. It is a great time to meet with old friends and make new ones. Kevin

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Howdy all, Hope all got home safely.  I just received an email about an online professionial development program for project based learning from the Buck Institute for Education.  There are projects and classes for all the steps in creating and assessing PBL projects.  It can be found at    Have a great week Gary P

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From Learning to Research Summer Institute was a great opportunity for me.  It helped me collaborate with teachers I would never get the opportunity to connect with on a regular basis.  It allowed me to see that I have the same experiences as many other teachers.  In addition, it reminded me how special you have to be in order to teach.  Many of my fellow collegues struggle with the constraints of the teaching world but because they care for their students, they make it work.  You definitely have to have a calling to do what we do and I met some really great ...

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I have absorbed a lot of information and ideas and now the work begins.  I can't wait to begin collecting data.  I need some quiet time to develop a plan of attack. 

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To all my new friends and colleagues at Learning to Research.  I had a great time meeting you and working with you.  If you are in the New York/Long Island area and you need a place to stay, we have a guest room with private bath and we are 25 minutes from the city.  My number's in the book.  'Til then I wish you the best on your projects. 

Posted in: GLOBE Science Topics: CLIMATE   Primary Audience: TEACHERS

Welcome to Lauren’s L2R Blog I wish I was more able to be more cogent about this but I’m so excited about this workshop, I’ll start here. “What I am hoping to learn as a participant during the initial workshop and throughout the professional development project?” Most of all, the opportunity to improve my skills in providing project based learning by making the projects personally more meaningful to my students through the provision of the increased knowledge and proven concepts  that are from well-defined standards I’ll be able to apply.  Another of my ...

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Wonderful week!! I am very honored, humbled and excited to have been a part of this exceptional group of educators. I can hardly wait to see all your students' work published. 

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I'm leaving this week feeling inspired, energized, and motivated to take on the upcoming school year. Some of my favorite things from this week are the contacts made, getting ideas on strategies for my class, and finding out about resources that are available to me.  My goal is to use  more PBL throughout the school year.

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The GLOBE Institute has provided me with important, practical tools. I plan to make them available to my students so they can probe our local environment. It also has provided me with a wealth of ideas for project expansion. I will actively be expanding my professional network to include local scientists in order to correlate our data to theirs. Learning through actual research, along with collaborating with local scientists will enable my students to truly appreciate how human activity does affects our climate.

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The week at L2R has been a wonderful experience to collaborate with educators all across the US.  My biggest take aways from L2R include: a better understanding of the importance of a network of educators feeling more confident bringing Globe into the classroom feeling more confident utilizing collaboration technology with my students recharging for the upcoming school year utilizing 21st century learning skills and project-based lessons feeling like I belong to an educational program that really matters Thank you everyone for a wonderful ...

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I'll be heading out from Boulder on Friday with so many more tools in my teaching toolbox! -- Myriad resources for teaching my students about weather, climate, and how to help them clearly understand the difference. -- So many insights into the climate change debate and how best to approach this often volatile subject in a way that focuses on data for science literacy, not emotion and misinformation. -- A GLOBE recharge ! It's been a number of years since my last GLOBE training and this opportunity to revisit the phenology and atmosphere protocols - and know that the ...

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  I was excited to attend the Learning to research Summer Institute to enhance some inquiry methods related to climate change. But when we started the program it overwhelmed me. Each day was a bundle of enormous information. I had a new perspective of climate now. I have clear guidelines to develop a project to better assist my students. Exposure to new dimensions of technology made be a little bit more confident to participate actively in GLOBE activities through out the year and after. I got to know lot of people across the nation and received bulk of information on ...

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    Invitation from L2R landed as a boon to me. After I received my training for GLOBE in 2006, I had not been consistent to participate in GLOBE activities. Climate research project will be the passport for me and my students to get connected with real people who think and act like scientists. The word climate may be familiar to students but the facts associated with it will open the gates to explore and experiment. I am excited to know what this project is in store for me and my students. I am very enthusiastic to learn new ways to research and transfer the knowledge ...

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This has been one of the most enriching and educationally productive weeks I have had the opportunity to experience in a quite a long time.  To the institute staff, if you didn't hear it from me before, please know that I sincerely appreciate all you have coordinated and put together for us this week.  Putting together a meaningful experience for a diverse group of educators is a large task and you did it exceptionally well and always with patience and a smile.  Every single session you planned had many new ideas, contacts, links, information, etc. that I was directed ...

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