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Reducing Our Carbon Footprint: Rochester School's Strategies to Reduce Emissions

Organization(s):Rochester School
Student(s):Angelina Chiodo, Isabella Diaz, Maria Paula Garcia, Natalia Lopez, Luciana Lozano, Laura Pardo, Mariana Roa, Paula Romero, Diego Sierra
Grade Level:Secondary School (grades 9-12, ages 14-18)
GLOBE Educator(s):Maria Del Pilar Tunarroza
Contributors:Juan Felipe Restrepo, Liliana Medina, Jorge Quintero, Emilia Rodriguez, Laura Valentina Perilla, Bautista Saavedra
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Protocols:Biometry (including Tree Height)
Presentation Poster: View Document
Date Submitted:03/06/2024
Rochester's GLOBE Team
The following study aims to quantify the carbon footprint of a forward-thinking educational institution that adopts sustainable design principles and practices. The methodology employed was multifaceted, combining mathematical calculations of carbon fixation by vegetation, energy consumption patterns, anthropogenic factors and innovative sustainable practices implemented by the LEED Platinum certified Rochester School. Several tools, such as the GLOBE application and specialized platforms, were relevant in the calculation of the data. Platforms such as iTree Eco and Arc Skoru have defined factors and algorithms that led to the final carbon footprint data. The objective of the study was to determine the overall environmental impact of the campus and to assess the effectiveness of the combination of its sustainability initiatives; all within the context of the climate change the world is currently experiencing. Within the offset studied on the campus, there are renewable energy sources, such as solar panels, energy-efficient infrastructures that take advantage of natural light and planting trees of native species, which determine their role in mitigating carbon emissions. The results of the study revealed that the school's carbon footprint is significantly lower than the Colombian national average, suggesting that the institution's commitment to sustainability has translated into environmental benefits. Keywords: carbon footprint, tree, carbon fixation, sustainability, LEED.
