Analyze data

Analyze the data


All the student measurements (data) that are entered in the GLOBE database can be accessed on the website from anywhere in the world. This enables you to compare your results with other schools. The user guide can help you to get an idea of the dates when your data can be compared with others’, and to download it through the GLOBE Vizualization tool.

The presentations below can help you to respectively make sense of AOT data and handle Calitoo data:

You can also contact an aerosol scientist in your country to get feedback on the collected data. Here is an analysis of aerosol data collected by schools and discussed with a scientist (prepared by Elise Hendriks):  the results from the spring 2013 campaign

Satellite Data

AOT measurements made from the ground can be compared with data series collected by satellites.

If you want to compare your observations with satellite data, check the satellite overpass times at your location through NASA Satellite Overpass Calculator.

NASA's GIOVANNI Interactive Visualization and Analysis tool allows to explore a wide range of satellite Earth observation data from instruments on board of NASA satellites from the Earth´s surface and from the atmosphere. You can easily download the data from Terra and Aqua Satellites with the help of the step-by-step satellite data guide that Elise Hendriks prepared for you.

For more information on various NASA Satellite Missions related to the GLOBE Program refer to the Satellite Partnerships Page.


Validation of satellite data by using ground data collected by students

In the past GLOBE students have helped scientists at the KNMI to write a paper in the Journal of Geophysical Research. In this paper we showed how GLOBE sun photometer observations can be of help improving MODIS satellite observations of aerosols (in terms of the aerosol optical depth - AOD) over the Dutch and Belgium coast-line.