Mission Earth News

GME Staff Discuss UHIE Project and Land Cover app with St. Peter's students

GLOBE Mission EARTH (GME) Staff members Sara Mierzwiak and Dr. Yitong Jiang virtually visited Janene Smith's students at St. Peter's School in Mansfield, OH to talk about their ongoing research project into the Urban Heat Island Effect (UHIE) and to learn about the GLOBE Observer App's Land Cover section. Dr. Jiang gave a presentation about land cover/land use (LCLU) and instructed students on the use of the Land Cover part of the GLOBE Observer App. Sara Mierzwiak and Dr. Jiang both answered student questions about the class' ongoing research project into the UHIE around their school. The students are actively collecting surface temperature, air temperature and clouds data around their school grounds. During the meeting, all of the participants went outside and used the GLOBE Observer App to record photos of the land cover around their environments. Some screenshots of the visit can be viewed below, including a map of the photos the group recorded for land cover.  

Teachers: if you'd like a visit to your class from GME staff, contact Sara Mierzwiak at Sara.mierzwiak@utoledo.edu.