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Join the Next ENSO Campaign Science and Collaboration Webinar 09 January: “Water in Far Asia and the Pacific”
The next Phase III GLOBE ENSO (El Niño Southern Oscillation) Student Research Campaign science and research webinar will be held on 09 January at 9:00 a.m. EST (2:00 p.m. UT/9:00 p.m. Thailand): “Water in Far Asia and the Pacific.”  >>

Miss an ENSO Phase III Science and Research or SODA Webinar? Recorded Versions Are Available! Next Webinar 09 January!
Have you missed a Phase III GLOBE ENSO (El Niño Southern Oscillation) Student Research Campaign Science and Research webinar or a Short Observation and Data Analysis (SODA) webinar? They are all being recorded and archived – for you to watch at your convenience. Just click here!  >>

2018 GLOBE Annual Meeting in Killarney, Ireland: Call for Presentations
Presentation applications are now being accepted for the 2018 GLOBE Annual Meeting, which will be taking place on 01 July 2018 in Killarney, Ireland. All presentations at the Annual Meeting will be oral presentations (no posters this year!).  >>

Call Out for GLOBE Publications – See Your Data in Action!
Did you publish about GLOBE data in 2017 – or would you like to learn what the GLOBE community published in 2017? See your data in action!  >>

Letter to the Community
Letter to the Community  >>

Participating in the GLOBE Urban Heat Island/Surface Temperature Campaign this December? Read Dr. C’s Latest Blog – Thanking You!
The Urban Heat Island Effect – Surface Temperature Field Campaign began on 01 December, and will run through 31 December. This year, the campaign is studying the urban heat island effect in seasons – October, December, and March (2018).  >>

GLOBE Students: Are You Attending the 2018 GLE in Ireland? Be a Keynote Speaker!
GLOBE students! Are you attending the 2018 GLOBE Learning Expedition (GLE) and the 22nd Annual Meeting in Killarney, Ireland? Would you like to be a Student Speaker? From among the students registered for the GLE, one student from each GLOBE region will be selected to present a keynote address (5-10 minutes). If you are comfortable with public speaking and want to share your experiences as a GLOBE student, you may apply to be considered for the honor of representing your region at the 2018 GLE!  >>

GLOBE Alumni: Join the GLOBE Alumni Organization Today – Paying it Forward Made Easy!
Tip of the Week: The GLOBE Alumni Organization is a strong network of students who have graduated from secondary school and have the desire and commitment to participate in the activities of the GLOBE Program at a higher level. Join today – and pay it forward within the ever-expanding GLOBE community!  >>

GLOBE Clouds Team at NASA Highlights Top 10 Observers for 2017
The GLOBE Clouds team at NASA Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia, USA, would like to highlight the top observers of 2017.  >>

2018 U.S. Student Research Symposia Webinar on 13 December: “Analyzing GLOBE Data”
U.S. SRS Webinar on 13 December: “Analyzing GLOBE Data” will be held at 7:00 p.m. ET. How can your students make sense of all those data sheets once you get them back to the classroom? During the webinar, Dr. Richard Wagner, the Southwest SRS Lead, will discuss GLOBE data; participants will see student examples, and will be able to ask questions.  >>