
Asset Publisher

GLOBE Website Training Session
Jon Lang, GLOBE Program Office (GPO) Technology Manager and the GLOBE Community Support Team will host online hour-long training sessions on Thursdays, June 27 and July 11 regarding major GLOBE website enhancements including new/simplified Partner and Country Coordinator administrative tools.  >>

06/02/2013 - 06/07/2013
International INESPO Sustainability Olympiad
The 5th INESPO Sustainability Olympiad will take place from June 2 - 7, 2013 in the Netherlands. All students (age 13-18) are welcome to present their solutions to sustainability problems. The Olympiad is organized by several partners including GLOBE Netherlands  >>

GLOBE Webinar: Data in Action: Examples from Latin America and Caribbean Region
The 23 April webinar is part of the Student Climate Rearch Campaign's Data in Action series.  >>

AmericaView / GLOBE Surface Temperature Earth Observation Field Day
Join GLOBE Partner Dr. Kevin Czajkowski, host of the first spring AmericaView / GLOBE Surface Temperature Earth Observation Field Day on 10 April.  >>

World Water Day
GLOBE celebrates World Water Day, 22 March 2013  >>

Webinar GLOBE Data in Action - Examples from Europe and Eurasia
Hosted by: Mladen Matvijev, GLOBE teacher and meteorologist of Croatia.  >>

03/15/2013 - 05/31/2013
GLOBE Virtual Student Conference
The conference seeks to engage students in a careful examination of their own research for presentation and to develop content and communication skills in the process. Students will find the online venue to be a uniquely engaging means of having a conversation about their research with other students around the world.  >>

Student Video Competition Deadline March 8
Deadline for the GLOBE Student Video Competition is 8 March 2013.  >>

Webinar: GLOBE Data in Action - Examples from Asia and Pacific
Hosted by: Binod Shrestha, GLOBE Country Coordinator of Nepal and member of the GLOBE International Advisory Committee (GIAC) for Asia and Pacific.  >>

03/03/2013 - 03/12/2013
GLOBE at Night 2013
GLOBE at Night is a worldwide, hands-on science and education program to encourage citizen-scientists worldwide to record the brightness of their night sky. During five select sets of dates in 2013, children and adults match the appearance of a constellation (Orion or Leo in the northern hemisphere, and Orion and Crux in the southern hemisphere) with seven star charts of progressively fainter star  >>