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New GLOBE Website - December 2011 Update
The first Beta testing phase of the new GLOBE website begins this week. The new website will dramatically change the way teachers, scientists and students interact with one another, enter and visualize meaningful data and learn. The initial testing process is vitally important to the eventual launch of the website because Beta testing allows the GLOBE Program Office (GPO) to hear from a small group of participants who are using the new website and its various tools––for the first time­––for feedback and input.  >>

New GLOBE Website - December 2011 Update
The first Beta testing phase of the new GLOBE website begins this week. The new website will dramatically change the way teachers, scientists and students interact with one another, enter and visualize meaningful data and learn.  >>

Climate and Land Cover Project - January 2012
The GLOBE Program and scientists from NOAA's Earth Systems Research Laboratory are working with GLOBE schools worldwide, to collect land cover data that will be used to improve land cover and climate models.  >>

AMS DataStreme Earth's Climate Systems Professional Development Course for K-12 Educators
The American Meteorological Society (AMS) is developing a national cadre of K-12 teachers highly trained in climate science, and familiar with climate modeling. From January – April 2012, GLOBE K-12 teachers are welcome to become trained to be a part of this elite climate science group. This is a great opportunity to explore the fundamentals of climate science and to earn three (3) graduate credits free-of-charge while doing so.  >>

GLOBE Climate and Land Cover Project Webinar
The next Climate and Land Cover Project Intensive Observing Period will take place from 1 – 31 January 2012. A great way to prepare for this event is to participate in the NOAA/NSTA Webinar: Exploring with Students the Connections between a Changing Land Cover and Climate. In this webinar, you will learn about the efforts climate scientists are using to improve land cover classifications for climate models. Participants will also receive an overview of what changes are occurring in global land cover and land use as well as their causes. Additionally, you will also understand how land cover relates to the global carbon cycle.  >>

Great Global Investigation of Climate - December IOP
The second Great Global Investigation of Climate (GGIC) Intensive Observing Period (IOP) will take place 1 – 31 December 2011. Here's how it works: students will collect and enter temperature and precipitation data in the GLOBE database and investigate how to classify local weather and climate using this atmospheric data. If you participated in the September IOP, you are encouraged to contribute in December. For those who are new to the GGIC, now is the best time get involved.  >>

Available for Viewing Online - SCRC Webinar
Thanks to all who joined Dr. Donna Charlevoix and members of the GLOBE Science and Education Team for the November SCRC Online Webinars. Contents are now archived for the benefit of those who missed the webinar. Visit SCRC here where you will find he link to the SCRC Webinar - 28 November 2011.  >>

SCRC Online Webinar - Learn More About Climate Explorations Currently Underway
The GLOBE Program Office (GPO) invites you to participate in an online webinar to learn about what is happening in Phase 1 of the GLOBE SCRC. Monday, 28 November 2011 09:00 AM Mountain Time 06:30 PM Mountain Time Time Zone: (GMT - 07:00) Mountain Time (US and Canada).  >>

New GLOBE Website Update - Nov 2011
In a few short months, the GLOBE program will launch its new website. It will be a welcome addition to the GLOBE community as it will positively change the way teachers, students and scientists enter and visualize data, connect with one another and learn about our planet. In an effort to make the new website as robust and functional as possible, we invite you to participate in the website testing process.  >>

Technology Update 2011
The Technology Team is proud to announce a major milestone in the effort to enhance the future GLOBE technology capability. GLOBE's new Liferay website portal hardware and software was delivered and initial set-up has been completed. The new website server system uses open source virtual servers, as well as open source website portal software. This will ensure a richer environment for future technology developments.  >>

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