
Asset Publisher

Share Your Expertise with Future Scientists/STEM Professionals! Help Judge the 2018 IVSS Research Projects
Calling all STEM professionals and GLOBE International STEM Network (GISN) members – GLOBE needs your help with judging research projects and/or mentoring students for the 2018 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium (IVSS). Helping GLOBE students and teachers with the IVSS is a great way to pay it forward!  >>

GLOBE Clouds Team at NASA Highlights Top 10 Observers for January 2018
The GLOBE Clouds team at NASA Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia, USA, would like to highlight the top observers for the month of January!  >>

GLOBE Mission EARTH Teacher Webinar: “Teacher Sharing” on 06 February
U.S. Community: Join the GLOBE Mission EARTH teacher webinar (Tuesday, 06 February/8 p.m. EST): “Teacher Sharing.”  >>

Advisory: Scheduled Downtime for 9-11 February 2018
Please be advised that the website will be undergoing maintenance and will be down beginning 4:00 p.m. PT on Friday, 9 February 2018 (11:00 pm UTC).  >>

Keep Up with the Latest on the 2018 GLOBE Learning Expedition in Killarney, Ireland on Social Media – Use #IrelandGLE2018
Attending the 2018 GLOBE Learning Expedition (GLE) in Killarney, Ireland this July? Keep up with the latest GLE-related news on social media. Use #IrelandGLE2018.  >>

U.S. Community: Register for 2018 GLOBE TTT (26-27 March) and NARM (28-29 March) by 01 March
Registration is now open for the 2018 GLOBE Train-the-Trainer (TTT) Workshop and the North American Regional Meeting (NARM). The events will take place at Purdue University, in West Lafayette, Indiana. Please register by 01 March.  >>

January 2018 Letter to the Community
January 2018 Letter to the Community  >>

January 2018 News Brief
January 2018 News Brief  >>

GLOBE Teachers: Looking for a Research Project for the IVSS? Consider the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse Data Set!
GLOBE Teachers: Are you and your students looking for a last-minute idea for a research project for the GLOBE 2018 International Virtual Science Symposium (IVSS)? Or just some interesting data to explore? Then you might want to consider the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse data set!  >>

GLOBE Teachers: Check out These IVSS-related Blogs – Help is a Click Away!
Are you and your students participating in the 2018 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium (IVSS)? Then you may want to check out these IVSS-related blogs (posted over the last few months on the Community Blog page). Help for some of your questions may be just a click away!  >>