
Asset Publisher

Letter to the Community
Letter to the Community  >>

August 2016 GLOBE News Brief
August 2016 GLOBE News Brief  >>

NASA Launches New App for Citizen Earth Scientists
Want to be a citizen Earth scientist? All you need to contribute to NASA’s studies of our home planet is a smartphone, access to the outdoors, and the new “GLOBE Observer” app.  >>

Time to Catch Up on the Latest GLOBE El Niño Field Campaign Blogs and Register for the Webinar on 21 September!
Today is a good day to catch up on the latest GLOBE El Niño Field Campaign blogs and register for the upcoming campaign webinar!  >>

2017-2018 Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellowship Program Now Accepting Applications
The Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellowship (AEF) Program is now accepting applications for the 2017-2018 AEF fellowship year. Applications are due 17 November 2016 (8 p.m. EST).  >>

GLOBE Schools: Setting Up Your Data Site – Data Entry Made Easy!
Tip of the Week: The GLOBE website offers a step-by-step video tutorial showing how to set up your school’s data site so that you can begin entering data into GLOBE. Get started today!  >>

Video Captures the Essence of the 2016 GLOBE Student Research Experience
Science was the common language spoken among the 23 students from 7 countries who attended the GLOBE Student Research Experience in in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado USA  >>

NASA Opportunity for U.S. High School STEM educators to participate in a year-long NASA GISS Climate Change Research Initiative
The NASA GISS Climate Change Research Initiative – CCRI is a year long STEM engagement opportunity for STEM educators to work directly with NASA scientists, lead research teams and develop STEM curriculum for their current classes.  >>

Citizen Science Webinar with John McLaughlin
You don’t have to be a professional scientist to contribute to our understanding of Earth’s climate. Join NOAA Citizen Science Coordinator John McLaughlin to learn how.  >>

GLOBE Community: There’s a Web Tutorial for That! The GLOBE Website Made Easy!
Tip of the Week: Have you visited the web tutorial section of the GLOBE website lately? The resources on these pages can help you understand, and work with, the various parts of the GLOBE website.  >>