
Asset Publisher

U.S. and Canada GLOBE Teacher P.D. Webinar “Writing Research Questions” – 9 December 2015
The GLOBE Program will be hosting a teacher professional development webinar entitled, “Writing Research Questions” on 9 December 2015, from 4-5 p.m. EST (2-3 MST).  >>

The Surface Temperature Field Campaign Has Begun! Read Dr. C’s Latest Blog
The 2015 Surface Temperature Field Campaign has begun! Sixteen schools have reporting data since 1 December 2015. Since 1 November, schools in 8 countries and in 5 U.S. states have reported data.  >>

Read Latest Guest Blogs on NASA SMAP Soil Moisture Measurement Field Campaign
There are many schools participating in the current GLOBE/SMAP Soil Moisture Measurement Field Campaign. This week, GLOBE is featuring guest blogs from two of the participating schools collecting measurements.  >>

Applications for 2016 GLOBE Distinguished Educator Fellowship Due 15 December
Applications for the 2016 GLOBE Distinguished Educator Fellowship are due on 15 December 2015. The fellowship harnesses the GLOBE community expertise in the development of new educational resources that can benefit the whole community.  >>

November 2015 Letter to the Community
November 2015 Letter to the Community  >>

November 2015 News Brief
November 2015 News Brief  >>

GLOBE Teachers: Register by 27 November to Attend AMS Teacher Workshop: 9 January 2016 in New Orleans
The American Meteorological Societ (AMS) is hosting the Sixth Annual Teacher Workshop on 9 January 2016 (from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.) in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. This one-day workshop will focus on weather, water, climate, science education, and their impacts on society. Attendees will leave with classroom-ready lessons and resources. You must register by Friday, 27 November.  >>

GISN Scientists: Two Volunteer Opportunities Available for 2016 GLOBE International Virtual Science Fair
There are two volunteer opportunities for GISN scientists to be involved with the 2016 GLOBE International Virtual Science Fair, which will showcase student research projects from around the world. Student projects are due on 11 March 2016 and judging will take place 3-16 April 2016.  >>

Webinar 16 December: Preparing for the 2016 GLOBE International Virtual Science Fair
Join Dr. Julie Malmberg and Matt Silbergliitt for a webinar that will provide an overview of available resources for teachers and students, and cover the details of the scoring rubrics.  >>

Participate in the 2016 GLOBE International Virtual Science Fair
This completely virtual science fair allows GLOBE students from around the world (kindergarten through 12th grade) to participate and use the data they have entered into the GLOBE database.  >>