News - University of Arkansas
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U.S. GLOBE Students: NASA Spotlight Video Challenge: Cloud Detectives – Summer Registration Open; Videos Due 31 July
GLOBE Students: NASA wants your student content producers to produce a video for the NASA eClips™ website. Each tab on the challenge website provides the information and resources needed to produce a NASA Spotlite video. Teams will produce a video (90 seconds to two minutes) confronting one of two misconceptions related to clouds, by investigating and collecting evidence, including GLOBE Clouds and NASA data.
Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign Collaborative Spring 2022 Intensive Observation Period Continues through 22 May
The Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign, GLOBE European Phenology Campaign, UNEP/GRID-Warsaw Centre (coordinator of GLOBE Poland), and the Urban Heat Island Effect - Surface Temperature Field Program, would like to invite you to participate in the Spring 2022 GLOBE Tree Height and Land Cover Intensive Observation Period (IOP) from 22 April through 22 May 2022.
GLOBE Teachers: Never Too Early to Consider Participating in the 2023 IVSS – Check Out These Resources!
GLOBE Teachers: It’s never too early to consider participating in next year’s 2023 International Virtual Science Symposium (IVSS). The IVSS is a way for primary through undergraduate students from all GLOBE countries to showcase their research and hard work.
Webinar Today (19 May) GLOBE Mission Mosquito Webinar: “The Zika Bus”
The GLOBE Mission Mosquito (GMM) webinar, “The Zika Bus,” will be held on Thursday, 19 May, at 02:00 p.m. EDT (06:00 p.m. UTC).
Annual Meeting Update: Early Bird Registration Begins in June; Selected Presenters Will Be Notified Week of 16-21 May
Important Update: Registration for the 2022 GLOBE Annual Meeting will open in early June. Participants who have been selected to present at this year's meetings will be notified next week (16-21 May), and will be required to register for the event.
Are Old Tires New Mosquito Condos? Join the GLOBE Mission Mosquito “Spare Tire Blitz” (March-June 2022)
Join the GLOBE Mission Mosquito “Spare Tire Blitz,” which is taking place from March through June 2022. Participants will document mosquito tire habitat by submitting a photo using The GLOBE Program’s app, GLOBE Observer (GO), Mosquito Habitat Mapper (MHM) tool, and will follow up with the GO Land Cover tool to provide photos of tire location.
Last Day (17 May) for the 2022 “STEM for All Video Showcase” – View, Discuss, Vote! (Check Out GLOBE’s Entries!)
The 2022 National Science Foundation (NSF) “STEM for All Video Showcase” will take place from 10-17 May. Thousands of researchers, educators, higher education faculty, and parents take part in this free, NSF-funded event – and submit videos depicting innovative, federally funded projects aimed at improving Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education.
GLOBE Community: Have You Seen GLOBE’s Recent YouTube Offerings? Catching Up With GLOBE Made Easy!
Tip of the Week: Have you visited GLOBE YouTube page lately? If not, it can provide an entertaining opportunity to catch up on GLOBE community efforts from around the world. (for example, click here to check out the “Reflections from Our 2021/2022 GLOBE Student Vloggers” which shares their experiences from the past year.
Today (10 May) Webinar: “Highlighting Biometry Measurements Through Student Research Projects and Online Tools within the GLOBE Europe and Eurasia and GLOBE Near East and North Africa Regions”
The Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign will be hosting the webinar: “Highlighting Biometry Measurements Through Student Research Projects and Online Tools within the GLOBE Europe and Eurasia and GLOBE Near East and North Africa Regions. Region Focus: Near East and North Africa, and a Return to GLOBE Europe and Eurasia,” on Tuesday, 10 May, 11:00 a.m. EDT (03:00 p.m. UTC/05:00 p.m. CEST/06:00 p.m. Arabian Standard Time).
NASA PLACES Seeks Input from Middle and High School Educators on Place-Based Education
Help promote student engagement in data-rich Earth science learning by sharing your experiences with PLACES (Place-based Learning to Advance Connections, Education, and Stewardship) – a NASA-funded project to support effective professional learning on place-based approaches to data-rich instruction.
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