GLOBE Projects

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Influence of fertilizers on NH4+, pH and clarity of water

Organization(s):CSG Willem van Oranje
Student(s):Laura Bosselaar, Tinka Cop, Tamara Maijers, Josien Versloot, Gwendolyn Zeeman.
Grade Level:Secondary School (grades 9-12, ages 14-18)
GLOBE Educator(s):Leanne Verhaar
Report Type(s):Standard Research Report
Date Submitted:05/23/2016
At school the tto students were asked if they would like to participate in a science project, as you can guess we as a group liked the idea of this and decided to participate. Once we got all the information needed, we were able to think of a subject, the eutrophication process, we had talked about this in our biology classes already and all thought it would be interesting to get into it a little bit further. Then we had to wait for the package with meters to arrive so that we could start with the measurements. The package arrived and in the meantime we had contacted a farmer and asked if we could use his ditches for our project, this was fine by him so there we went and took our measurements. Now our report is finished and we hope to give you some more information on this subject and to live up to the expectations this science fair brings with it.
