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GLOBE’s New Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Blog – Community Made Easy!

Tip of the Week: There is a new DEI blogging portal available on the GLOBE website. “We are excited to start a new blog highlighting stories of GLOBE members and their commitment to help GLOBE become an increasingly welcoming, diverse, equitable, and inclusive community,” Rosalba Giarratana, a member of the GLOBE DEI Task Force, said in a new blog.

“Almost a year ago, GLOBE announced its initiative to start the GLOBE Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force. GLOBE encouraged people to apply to be part of this group, and work towards a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive GLOBE. Twenty-two people were selected, representing six countries.”

“It is now hard to believe that we still had the opportunity to have our first GLOBE DEI meeting in person, in Boulder, Colorado, USA, back in February, before all our meetings became virtual… More than ever do we treasure the chance we had to exchange handshakes and hugs!”

“We are grateful for the enthusiastic response to this initiative and, while we recognize there is a lot of work ahead of us, we are excited to be moving towards a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive GLOBE community, together. Please stay tuned to learn more about GLOBE DEI efforts, and about how GLOBE members are helping shape the most welcoming community!”

To read the entire blog, click here (in both English and Spanish)

GLOBE would like to encourage members to share work they are doing via their own blog. All blogs show up in the Community Blog – and, if the blog is related to DEI, please select the “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” category.

To access the Community Blog, click here.

Need help posting a blog? Contact the GLOBE Community Support Team (CST) at


News origin: GLOBE Implementation Office
