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Keeping Up with GLOBE Star Stories? Read About Our Latest Stars!

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Have you been keeping up with the latest GLOBE Star Stories? GLOBE Stars are stories of projects, people and extraordinary activities being conducted around the world in connection to GLOBE. These GLOBE Stars are the bright lights that spark our imagination and inspire us with news of GLOBE at work in the world.

Read our most recent Star Stories:

  • GLOBE Asia and Pacific Regional Meeting: “We Learn We Do with GLOBE” Develops Spirit of Scientific Learning and Collaboration” – The GLOBE Asia and Pacific Regional Coordination Office (RCO), in association with GLOBE Thailand, The Institute for the Promotion of Teaching Science and Technology (IPST), organized a Virtual Annual Regional Meeting. The meeting, which was held from 24-26 January, was an enriching success – with 280 participants joining the session through Zoom and 68 participants watching the sessions live on Facebook Streaming; and receiving 10,000 views post-screening on 24 January. 
  • GLOBE Taiwan Partnership Teachers Use Multidisciplinary Approach to Tackle Environmental Issues” – “Since environmental issues are multidisciplinary problem, GLOBE Taiwan is helping teachers with different majors, and from different schools, gather together to develop teaching plans, share teaching experience, and discuss scientific investigations in GLOBE,” said Kuan-Ting Chen, assistant of Country Coordinator, Taiwan Partnership. “Moreover, we are encouraging teachers to work with international teams to improve their GLOBE teaching.”
  • Slovakia’s First Year Engaged in The GLOBE Program – ‘Challenging Yet Inspiring’” – In early 2020, the Minister of Environment of the Slovak Republic (Slovakia), László Sólymos, and, on behalf of NASA, the Honorable Bridget Brink, U.S. Ambassador (U.S. Embassy Bratislava), signed an agreement to implement The GLOBE Program in the Slovak Republic. The Daphne Institute of Applied Ecology now coordinates the effort in Slovakia.

To learn more about GLOBE Star Stories, and to submit your GLOBE Star Story, click here.


News origin: GLOBE Implementation Office
