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U.S. GLOBE Teachers and Partners: Today (09 June) Watercooler “GLOBE Virtual Trainings”

graphic of a group of people working around the earth, connecting with computers

U.S. GLOBE Teachers and Partners: Join the 09 June (04:10 p.m. EDT) U.S. GLOBE Watercooler: “GLOBE Virtual Trainings.” The Watercoolers provide an informal opportunity to connect with other GLOBE teachers and partners to share ideas. Each week begins with a presentation from a teacher or partner, with time for questions and conversation following.

09 June Watercooler

In this Watercooler Todd Toth, NASA Goddard, will share planning and delivery of GLOBE virtual training used in local and international GLOBE training sessions. Topics include knowing your audience, which protocols work best, presentation methods, timing, participant involvement and follow up.

To register in advance, click here. (After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.)

 To catch up on past Watercoolers, click here.


News origin: GLOBE Implementation Office
