Stars and STEM Stories
Croatian Students Celebrate International Water Day with Hard Work
Croatian GLOBE schools celebrated International Water Day March 22 by raising public awareness of the importance of water protection through hydrology measurements. One project, designed by students from Srednja skola Prelog was hailed by local water authorities and the news media as a great success worth repeating every year.
The Srednja skola Prelog students used GLOBE measurements to investigate the quality of water sources such as springs and wells in their community. In this project GLOBE students brought public and private institutions together to reach out to the local community. A local water supply company donated two new hydrological kits. With support of local authorities, the students sent out a public invitation to people in the area, inviting them to join in a celebration on the main square in Prelog.
The students asked people to bring water samples along. The table for GLOBE measurements was set at the main square, and after the opening ceremony, GLOBE students did their hydrology tests on water samples. More than 100 people wanted their water to be examined. Since they are in a largely agricultural area, high amounts of nitrates were found in some samples. The owners of such water sources were instructed, by students and GLOBE teachers, to have those results verified by professional institutions.
The whole event was strongly covered by local and national media. Local authorities have asked the GLOBE school to continue these studies every year and promised significant support for their needs.
"This is an excellent example of how GLOBE schools could promote good cooperation within their local community and gain stronger support by offering the projects aimed to fulfill mutual interests," said Diana Garasic, Ministry of Education and Sports of Croatia and GLOBE's Country Coordinator there.
7 May 2003