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Training in GLOBE Nepal Enhances “Chain of Learning”

Participants at the 2022 Counselor Training Camp in Nepal

In January 2022, in connection with Environmental Camps for Conservation Awareness (ECCA), GLOBE Nepal conducted an innovative Counselor Training Camp in Jwagal, Lalitpur.

“During the training, young people are provided with skills on several subjects so that they can approach and help communities and schools for different agendas ECCA works on,” Dr. Desh Bandhu, Coordinator, Asia and Pacific Regional Coordination Office, said. “In this year's counseling training, GLOBE and climate learning activities were one of the major sessions where participants were introduced to GLOBE and its protocols.”

Participants at the 2022 Counselor Training Camp in Nepal

“ECCA helped participants learn about atmosphere, hydrology, and mosquitoes through practical learning at the ECCA premises. The demo weather station at ECCA proved to be very useful during this session. The GLOBE session received positive feedback from the participants.”

“In the coming days, the counselors will be mobilized in different schools to provide training and share knowledge on GLOBE and GLOBE protocols,” Dr. Bandhu said. “ECCA has been teaching youth, and all the way up to experts, so that they can teach younger children in turn. This way the chain of learning and sharing knowledge becomes larger and the network stronger.”

“By introducing The GLOBE Program, we were also able to make students enthusiastic about climate learning and environmental conservation issues. Therefore, this program has undoubtedly been very important to ECCA.”

Participants at the 2022 Counselor Training Camp in Nepal

“In many schools still, practical science learning is a dream and we are making a great effort to do it. GLOBE learning is a good opportunity for schools, for both teachers and students. It helps to create a science learning environment. The schools in Nepal still need a lot of motivation to bring them out of their comfort level and create a 21st century learning classroom environment.”

“During this training, GLOBE and GLOBE protocols were introduced to young people (undergraduates and graduates) and we will proceed to provide GLOBE training to school students in the future. This will help to enhance the knowledge and skills of youth, teachers, and students. It will create an environment for science learning.”

“In Nepal, school outreach is very difficult and generating data is difficult. It is very important to make school management and teachers understand that it is important for normal education and to understand doing science. This way, the college youth will learn, understand, share, and engage teachers and students in doing GLOBE in their schools, and encourage the generation of data.”


Star Story submitted by Dr. Desh Bandhu, Coordinator, Asia and Pacific Regional Coordination Office.


