Events - INFINITY Science Center Partner
GLOBE/SMAP Soil Moisture Measurement Field Campaign Webinar: 01 March
Mark your calendars for the next GLOBE Program/SMAP webinar, which will be held on 01 March 2016 (11 a.m. ET/4 p.m. UTC), and is entitled: “Heading into the Spring Thaw and Global Shout-Outs to all the GLOBE Schools/Teams Collecting SMAP Soil Moisture Data."
What is El Niño? Join The GLOBE Program and NASA for a Webinar Exploring this Phenomena: 01 March
You are invited to join The GLOBE Program and NASA for the first in a series of webinars for the new GLOBE El Niño Field Campaign. This webinar is entitled, “What is “El Niño?” It will be held on Tuesday, 01 March at 8:00 p.m. ET (1:00 a.m. UTC).
GOES-R Webinar Series – Satellites 101 and GOES-R Overview: 20 February
On 20 February (11:30 a.m. ET), the Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) will host the GOES-R webinar “Satellites 101 and GOES-R Overview.”
U.S. GLOBE Regional Science Fair Team Hosting Teacher P.D. Webinar: 11 February
The United States GLOBE Regional Science Fair Leadership Team is hosting a teacher professional development webinar, “Communicating Results aka Creating an Awesome Poster!” on Thursday, 11 February at 1:00 p.m. MST (3:00 p.m. EST).
GLOBE Program/SMAP Soil Moisture Measurement Field Campaign Webinar: 02 February
A GLOBE Program/SMAP Soil Moisture Field Campaign Webinar, entitled “1 Year of the SMAP Mission and Global Shout-Outs to all the GLOBE schools/teams collecting SMAP soil moisture data." will be held Tuesday, 02 February 2016 at 4 p.m. U.S. Eastern Time (9 p.m. UTC).
Understanding How People Perceive Climate Change Webinar: 01 February
On 01 February 2016 (4:00 p.m. and 7 p.m. ET), the Wayne RESA ICCARS Professional Learning Network for the 2015-2016 School Year series will host a webinar, "Understanding How People Perceive Climate Change.” This will be presented by Dr. Andrea C. Simonelli.
Long-Term Climate Effects on Human Settlements and Habitation Webinar: 11 January
The next webinar in the Wayne RESA ICCARS Professional Learning Network for the 2015-2016 School Year series, hosted by David Bydlowski and Andy Henry, will be held on 11 January 2016. It is entitled “Long-Term Climate Effects on Human Settlements and Habitation” and is presented by Dr. Andrea C. Simonelli.
Webinar 16 December: Preparing for the 2016 GLOBE International Virtual Science Fair
Join Dr. Julie Malmberg and Matt Silbergliitt for a webinar that will provide an overview of available resources for teachers and students, and cover the details of the scoring rubrics.
GLOBE/SMAP Soil Moisture Campaign Webinar: 10 December
GLOBE/SMAP Soil Moisture Campaign Webinar: 10 December
U.S. and Canada GLOBE Teacher P.D. Webinar “Writing Research Questions”
The GLOBE Program will be hosting a teacher professional development webinar entitled, “Writing Research Questions.”
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