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U.S. GLOBE Teachers and Partners: Join the Watercoolers in October

A graphic of people sitting in a circle around the globe working on laptops

U.S. GLOBE Teachers and Partners: Join the Watercoolers in October. Watercoolers are held most Thursdays, at 04:10 p.m. ET. They provide an informal opportunity to connect with other GLOBE teachers and partners to share ideas. Each week begins with a presentation from a teacher or partner, with time for questions and conversation following.

 For upcoming Watercooler dates, topics, and registration click here.

To catch up on past Watercoolers, click here.

Sign up to Present

GLOBE Teachers and Partners: You are invited to share your experience and expertise. Please consider signing up to share how you are using GLOBE in your region.

 To sign up to present at a Watercooler, click here.

News origin: GLOBE Implementation Office
