GLOBAL Events - NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
04/10/2024 - 10/31/2025
Workshop: NASA Goddard GLOBE Partnership Training
Training for partnership staff only
>>09/05/2024 - 09/30/2025
Workshop: NASA Earth Science Staff Training, Maryland, United States
GLOBE training for NASA Earth Science staff only
WEBINAR | 30 Years of GLOBE: Data Time Machine - How to Look at Local Data Over Time
Join Peder Nelson, GLOBE Observer Land Cover science lead, in a discussion of why we want to explore that past 30 years of GLOBE data and connect it to our present observations.
WEBINAR | The State of Trees – November 2024. The NISAR Mission’s Role in Wetland Mapping: Advancing Environmental Monitoring with Dr. Erika Podest
Join us for this amazing webinar when Dr. Erika Podest from the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory will discuss the NASA NISAR Mission and wetland (a vital land cover) monitoring.
11/13/2024 - 11/16/2024
2024 GLOBE Near East and North Africa Regional Meeting
The Near East and North Africa (NENA) Regional Meeting will be held 13–16 November in Abu Dhabi, UAE. More information to come.
WEBINAR | GLOBE Mission Mosquito: Student Research Presentation Featuring GLOBE Land Cover Data
Join the GLOBE Mission Mosquito team on 14 November at 7:00 p.m. ET (15 November at 00:00 UTC) for a student-led presentation on the results of a research project featuring GLOBE land cover data.
WEBINAR | International Virtual Science Symposium (IVSS): Cleaning GLOBE Data for Student Research and Data Analysis
Join Tracy Ostrom, GLOBE Mission Earth Project Coordinator, in this interactive webinar on collecting, organizing and 'cleaning' GLOBE data!
11/24/2024 - 11/28/2024
GLOBE Asia and Pacific Student Experience: Expedition to the Sea in Maldives
This exciting experience aims to bring together students, teachers, and the scientific community from different Asia-Pacific countries to collectively “learn through observation” issues surrounding our oceans and water systems due to man-made and natural events
WEBINAR | 30 Years of GLOBE: A Tale of Two Scientists - Changes in Data and Technology Over Time
Join a discussion led by Dr. Russ Congalton and Peder Nelson, GLOBE Land Cover scientists, to learn how changes in technology have impacted GLOBE data and the scientific legacy of GLOBE data.
WEBINAR | 30 Years of GLOBE: Make Your Data Talk: Transforming Data Into Visual Stories
Join Peder Nelson, GLOBE Observer Land Cover Science Lead, to learn how to create an animate GIF of a GLOBE study site using Landsat time series images to understand and describe local change.
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