
Asset Publisher

WEBINAR | GLOBE International STEM Network (GISN) Professional Networking Hour
Join the monthly GISN Professional Networking Hour to engage with fellow members, learn about ongoing research, and build collaborations.  >>

11/24/2024 - 11/28/2024
GLOBE Asia and Pacific Student Experience: Expedition to the Sea in Maldives
This exciting experience aims to bring together students, teachers, and the scientific community from different Asia-Pacific countries to collectively “learn through observation” issues surrounding our oceans and water systems due to man-made and natural events  >>

05/12/2024 - 05/16/2024
GLOBE Asia-Pacific Science Festival (APSF) — 12-16 May 2024
The GLOBE Asia-Pacific Science Festival (APSF)'s theme is "Exchange Programs: Building Bridges and Inspiring Futures."  >>

GISN Social Hour — 25 April 2024
Connect with fellow GISN members in these monthly meet-ups!  >>

Celebrate Earth Day with GLOBE!
Watch the live-streamed Earth Day Broadcast on 22 April.  >>

06/21/2023 - 09/21/2023
NASA Moon Trees Quest
We invite you to join the NASA Moon Trees Quest for Apollo 14 Moon Trees and related tree species.  >>

22 April: Earth Day 2022 – Celebrate with GLOBE!
Earth Day is 22 April, and this year marks the 27th Anniversary of The GLOBE Program!  >>

22 March: World Water Day (Celebrating? Share Your Inspirational Photos by 04 April)
World Water Day is 22 March. It is an annual United Nations Observance, started in 1993, that celebrates water and raises awareness of the two billion people currently living without access to safe water. A core focus of World Water Day is to inspire action towards Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6: Water and sanitation for All by 2030. If you are celebrating World Water Day this year, the GLOBE Implementation Office would like to share some of your photos with the community. (These may be posted on GLOBE social media platforms.)  >>

11/12/2020 - 11/16/2020
GLOBE Website Upgrade In Progress
The GLOBE DIS will be upgraded from November 12th through 16th.  >>

05/30/2020 - 05/31/2020
30-31 May: NASA Space Apps Covid-19 Challenge
On 30-31 May, NASA, along with the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), are inviting coders, entrepreneurs, scientists, designers, storytellers, makers, builders, artists, and technologists to participate in a virtual hackathon.  >>

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