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World Space Week 2015: 4-10 October
On 6 December 1999, the UN General Assembly declared 4-10 October as "World Space Week" to celebrate at the international level the contributions of space science and technology to the betterment of the human condition. Since this declaration in 1999, World Space Week has grown into the largest public space event on Earth.  >>

Young Professionals for Agricultural Development Lists Funding Opportunities
Young Professional for Agricultural Development (YPARD) has created a list of available funding opportunities. YPARD is an international movement BY Young Professionals FOR Young Professionals for Agricultural Development. YPARD operates as a network; it is not a formalized institution.  >>

GLOBE Announces Timeline and Rubrics for 2016 GLOBE International Virtual Science Fair
GLOBE students – it's time for you to show the world what you are learning through your experiential, hands-on journey through GLOBE's science practices and protocols. The GLOBE Program is pleased to announce the 2016 GLOBE International Virtual Science Fair for students around the world.  >>

September 2015 Letter to the Community
September 2015 Letter to the Community  >>

Sept 2015 news brief
Sept 2015 news brief  >>

Rick Bonney Selected as the Second Recipient of the YLACES Youth Environmental Science Medal
Youth Learning as Citizen Environmental Scientists (YLACES) announces that Rick Bonney has been selected as the second recipient of the Youth Environmental Science Medal in recognition of his work in establishing multiple citizen science programs for youth and adults and the school focused Classroom Feeder Watch.  >>

Kilimanjaro Learning Xpedition Begins on 24 September
The Kilimanjaro Learning Expedition has begun! Follow along for eight days as the 21-member Xpedition team makes it's way through six distinct biomes to the summit of the highest peak in Africa!  >>

GLOBE Hosts New Data Entry Challenge 11-17 October
GLOBE is hosting a new data entry challenge from 11-17 October 2015! Whether you report new data or old, GIO will recognize schools entering the most data during the week. With your help, it all adds up!  >>

National Wildlife Foundation's Eco Schools USA Issues Green STEM Report
The National Wildlife Federation's Eco Schools USA program has issued a new report on the relationship between environmental education, green schools, and STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education.  >>

Announcing the NASA SMAP Campaign for GLOBE Students
In support of the Soild Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) satellite mission, NASA has initiated a 7-month-long soil moisture measurement campaign, from 1 October 2015 through 30 April 2016, and invites GLOBE schools to participate.  >>